Fortnite’s Floating Island Will Form Volcanic Pits

Fortnite Battle Royale players are already witnessing a small in-game event. Season 6 has brought a floating island as a new location, and the island has started moving around the map. At the moment, the island is located south of Pleasant Park, and it appears to be moving towards the rune the mysterious cube left in season 5.

The island has moved a long way within the last few hours. However, it appears that things are going to get more exciting once it reaches all the runes on the ground. According to some leaks, the island will move to each rune and spawn corruption vents that look like volcanic pits.

Season 6 map changes

Volcanic pits in Fortnite

The theory about the floating island is that it will move to each rune the cube left on the ground in season 5. As Fortnite players have already seen, each place that has a rune has become corrupted. However, it seems that Epic Games will keep changing these places and use them for another major event.

Twitter usersĀ @lucas7yoshi and @AyeTSG have found some interesting details in Fortnite’s replay mode. The users spotted small volcanic pits in corrupted areas. These pits contain purple magma, but their purpose is currently unknown.

Fortnite volcano

It appears that instead of creating a big volcano, the Fortnite developer will create a few smaller volcano craters over the map. While there is still a possibility that we get a big Fortnite volcano, the game creator probably has a different plan.

At the moment, we can only theorize about what is going to happen later in the season. However, considering that the island is moving in the first week of season 6, we may get some big changes very soon. Epic Games hasn’t added any named places for the current season, but this could change with the upcoming event.