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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Randall Duguid

    New to VGR

    This site was introduced to me via Facebook and I'm here to say hello and lovely to meet you all Psn# RandallDeDan add me and when I play we can
    1 point
  2. I'm physical media for life. I do have a few dozen Steam games that were free/extremely cheap, but those are the rare exception to the rule for me. There are so many advantages to physical that it's not even funny. You can sell it when you're done and get cash back towards another game. You can buy games used for cheap since the market isn't controlled by one source. You can lend it to a friend. It looks nice on your shelf. It takes up less hard drive/memory card space. If your internet goes out or becomes limited, you've always got everything on-hand with physical. Ownership is guaranteed as long as your media is intact (digital only grants you a "license" to play a game which can be altered or even revoked - just look at the way Rockstar is altering GTA radio stations years after the fact). And most importantly, your ability to play is not dependent on the publisher or console manufacturer maintaining the servers indefinitely in case you have to re-download it. All you need to do is look at the graveyard of DSiWare and soon to be WiiWare games that are possibly gone forever since Nintendo shut down the DSi and Wii shop servers. Some day that could happen to PS3 and Xbox 360... then PS4 and Xbox One. PC sources are no guarantee either. I don't want my game collection to live and die by the whims of a company. Unfortunately we are heading for a time where even physical games are becoming highly dependent on their connection with digital distribution, with some games not even working without a Day 1 patch or supplemental internet install. But I will hang on to my physical games regardless. Game publishers can pry them out of my cold dead fingers, because I'll be the last person to switch to all-digital 😂
    1 point
  3. I'm a bit of a late adopter when it comes to games. Mostly due to money. I can't buy every new release when it comes out, I'd really be poor. Same with consoles, I would have a Nintendo Switch by now its been out for a while. But I never feel bad because the games get cheaper after a few years of waiting.
    1 point
  4. I graduated college in 2014, and since then I've been working continuously to buy games I missed and beat them. I've gone through massive buying spells which inflate my backlog, and periods where I'm powering through game after game. I've gone from 35ish games in my backlog in 2014, down to 7 in 2015, back up to 53 by early 2017, and right now I'm on a big downward trend where I've got just 10 games in my backlog. I'm hoping to keep it manageable from here on out, especially since I think I've "caught up" on most of the stuff I was interested in on older consoles. I don't know if I'll ever hit 0, or if I ever even want to hit 0. It's about the journey and not the destination. But I WILL finish Donkey Kong 64 some day. It's been sitting stubbornly in my backlog for 19 years, haha.
    1 point
  5. I agree with you guys, the skeletons/dirt/rags/etc were so bloody annoying to deal with! Like, my settlement can be looking immaculate but these skeletons just have to go and ruin it, don't they? But I spent a ridiculous amount of time making bedrooms for all my companions... Just putting in stuff I think they'd like there. Cait got tons of guns that I wasn't using anymore. Piper got her very own computer, etc, etc. Dogmeat always stuck with me in my room though. We're the best of pals.
    1 point
  6. One thing I loved doing in Fallout 4 and everyone made fun of me about is rebuilding all tiny settlements. I remember spending 4 hours reclaiming that old parking lot and I've been frustrated over the fact that there was a single corpse on the ground that just WOULDN'T GET CLEANED. Man I miss that game 😄
    1 point
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