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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2018 in all areas

  1. After E3 has run its course, and left us with a mixed bag of disappointments and incredible gaming news, I feel it's time to throw my proverbial hat into the ring and list the announced games that I feel the most hyped about this year. I am currently saving up for a new gaming PC and cannot wait to dig into these games soon with new specs to match the demands. So without further ado, let's dig in! 10. FALLOUT 76 Ever since the release of Fallout 3, me and my friends have thought to ourselves "you know, this would be a lot more fun if you could actually play together". And it seems Bethesda has thought the same thing as they have wrestled with the idea for a while and now come up with an answer to our collective prayers for a multiplayer Fallout game. Fallout 76 apparently will be a sort of MMORPG thing with a large focus on co-op and building settlements. So far it's looking really promising and I can't wait to explore West Virginia with my friends. I think the thing we really liked so far is that you really don't seem forced into a certain role. You can do crafting, and selling items like food seems to be a legit thing in the game. So it seems like a game where people can assume the roles they want and not everyone has to be warriors. Definitely excited to dig into that game this November. 9. ANTHEM Anthem is a game I've actually been fairly hyped about ever since it was first announced. And I know a lot of people have said they're on the fence about that cause of Mass Effect Andromeda. Listen... Andromeda wasn't made by the main Bioware team. It was made by an offshoot team that changed its directors multiple times. This game is being made by a different team with a different director, there is no reason to assume it will be like Mass Effect Andromeda. I actually think Andromeda isn't that bad of a game but I'm planning a review so I won't get ahead of myself there. Anyway, so far it seems really cool, I love the aesthetic of the Javelin suits and apparently you can customize your freelancer in everything from gender to looks and I absolutely love that. It's going to be a co-op game for up to 4 people with a large MMO-esque open world to explore outside the story instances. And fuck, it's a new IP from Bioware, a studio that for years now have pretty much only done two franchises: Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Just the fact they are doing something new and something still within the sci-fi realm is really cool to me. 8. SHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER Lara's next adventure is coming soon, and what gameplay we saw at E3 showed her sneaking around the jungle in a game where she has inadvertently caused armageddon and is rushing to stop it. I love this idea of her adventures actually having huge ramifications that she never considered and I look forward to playing the game. Hopefully Lara will be more badass in this game. I'm still a bit tired of "wimpy Lara" from the last couple of games as I grew up with the oldschool Lara, but what I've seen so far looks promising. The devs clearly have written her to be a reluctant badass who will do what it takes to survive in a harsh situation but still holds on to her humanity somewhat. I would just still love for her to turn into a darker character like in the early games and I've been waiting for it to happen for a while now. And for crying out loud, add some dual-wielding pistols to the games at some point soon. Stop teasing us with shots of her holding two pistols and then doing nothing with it. 7. RAGE 2 As surprised as I am that RAGE actually got a sequel, I am even more surprised to see it being made by the studio that made the Mad Max game (actually, that's probably not that surprising). As has already been pointed out, the game doesn't look that original. It kind of looks like Mad Max, Doom and Borderlands had a big ol' threesome and this is the outcome. But in the words of Tim Willits: "That's awesome, isn't it?" It truly is. Not a lot has been shown so far, but it seems they are expanding on the nanotrite abilities more and doing a combat style more similar to Doom 2016. And yeah, can't wait to play it. And hopefully there will be a Switch port for those long train rides where I need a Rage 2 fix. 6. WOLFENSTEIN: YOUNGBLOOD A co-op Wolfenstein game set in the 80's with two female characters for the first time in the series' history? Sign me the fuck up! Sadly not a lot of gameplay has been shown so far, but it seems you are playing as BJ's daughters (explains why his wife's belly has been so huge in Wolfenstein II) fighting Nazis in an 80's alternate history Paris. I really love how they are just taking this alternate Nazi-fied history further and further and I can't wait to play through this with Kira. 5. BEYOND GOOD & EVIL 2 So yeah, Ubisoft yet again teased the prequel to one of their biggest cult games, and they have even announced it will have co-op. The most recent trailer showed something shocking though, that being Jade is apparently a villain in the game. This is most intriguing given she's the hero of the first game and this is allegedly a prequel. How does it all fit in? I can't wait to find out and I really hope it's going to do the first game justice. I still haven't finished the first game so might be time to do so very soon. Regardless, BG&E2 is looking better and better the more we get to see of it. 4. ION MAIDEN As far as shooters go, we haven't seen a Build engine one in ages. So the folks at 3D Realms and Voidpoint figured they'd fix that by making a Build engine FPS prequel to the isometric shooter Bombshell that came out a few years back. What I have played so far is pretty fucking badass and truly feels like a proper 90's shooter up there with greatslike Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior. Apparently there's going to be a physical release with a USB floppy disk, which I am SO going to pre-order when it comes out. I highly recommend giving the early access preview campaign a go just to see what it's all about. 3. DOOM ETERNAL So apparently id are already working on a full blown sequel to DOOM 2016 and just that simple fact is enough to have me giddy for hours. Whatever it's going to be, it's probably going to involve demons, super shotguns and lots of gibs. Hopefully we'll get more info soon cause fuck me this reveal had me so hyped! 2. RESIDENT EVIL 2 HD REMAKE Fuck. Yeah. Resi 2 is without a doubt my favourite Resi game and hearing about it being remade just had me screaming with joy. And what we saw looked absolutely amazing. I absolutely can't wait to revisit Raccoon City in full HD glory when it comes out. Hopefully it will have better controls and camera than the original game too. 1. CYBERPUNK 2077 Everything about this game sounds like it was made for me. Cyberpunk is probably my favourite genre of any medium and this game seems to be absolutely steeped in the aesthetic of cyberpunk. I just love the universe they have created, and it seems like the kind of game I'm going to absolutely immerse myself in for probably years to come once it's out. We've been waiting a long time for it and apparently might have to wait a couple years more (aiming for a fitting 2020 release date) but it seems to be worth the wait. It sounds amazing, especially with how the world will react to your choices and how they can impact the game world, and how you can create any character you want. And of course there's going to be some nudity and sexy stuff, which I am fine with. Truth to be told I've never really been into CD Project Red's Witcher series, but this is definitely something that's entirely up my alley, to the point where I'm now using Cyberpunk 2077 wallpapers exclusively for my PC. So yeah, that was my list. There are several other games I am also anticipating but these are the ones that I feel the most hyped about at the top of my head. Let me know what games you're excited for!
    2 points
  2. Soda

    Hi from Canada!

    What's up everyone? A little bit about me... I'm huge into fitness. I go to the gym 5 days a week and I have a personal trainer. I enjoy hiking, playing and watching sports, camping, road trips, read books, watch movies, and of course playing video games! I have a PS4. Happy to be here!
    1 point
  3. Chara Weeks

    New member to site

    Hey my name is Chara Weeks, in I’m new to this website I’m glad to be in the site to learn and focus on games I’m 23 years old in I’m married to a wonderful husband
    1 point
  4. Katelyn1127

    New 👋

    Hey everyone! I’m new here and wanted to introduce myself. I’m Katelyn. I’ve been gaming since I was just a kid. I’m now grown and a mother of 4 and,of course, they’re all wanna be gamers. Say hey 🙂
    1 point
  5. SpoiledMilky


    Hello everyone! My name is Milky. I found this site through Facebook :•)
    1 point
  6. Not sure what I'm talking about? Check this link. This kind of thing really intrigues me as, despite Gaider writing for Dragon Age ever since it came to exist, it's branded as fanfiction because he doesn't work there anymore. But regardless of his intentions, Gaider risks the Dragon Age community taking it out of his hands and declaring it 'canon'. On the other hand, Gaider's actions validate fanfiction writers out there that there are some authors who believe in stories outside of the 'canon' they've been given. What do you guys think of this news story?
    1 point
  7. Hey guys I just would like to say I think I'm going to like it here I've been gaming for years and glad to be in this gaming community
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Welcome to VGR!
    1 point
  10. How i got into video games was when i was 3 years old. My older sister never played her game boy. So i took her game boy and her games to it. Play mario,pokemon,zelda,etc. Then i got so into gaming i wanted something much more. When the PlayStation 2 came out i went berserk playing games. My favorite game out that system was rouge galaxy. When the PlayStation 4 came out,i was so hyped about it. And on that day i got it. With tons of games. Ive played friday the 13th, assassins creed, naruto,etc. Just saving up for more games. I love gaming. I may be a female but i love gaming. Im competitive with it.
    1 point
  11. Dragontigerbear


    Hey VRG people, My name is Anthony. I've been gaming for 20+ years; started with the classics (NES, SNES, Sega genesis, GameBoy), moved up with the N64, GameCube, Dreamcast, PlayStation, and Xbox; LOST MY DAMN MIND when the 360 came out, and now spend all my time with my beloved PS4. I primarily enjoy in depth role playing games like Witcher 3, God of War, Skyrim (although Morrowind forever has my heart), and Dragon age inquisition. My all time fave is probably Suikoden 2 for the OG PlayStation. I also enjoy strategy games and some FPS and survival RPGs (like bioshock and The Last of Us) Nice to meet y'all
    1 point
  12. Adupage95

    New here

    Hi im aleesha, just wanted to say hello to everyone 😁.
    1 point
  13. Naw I doubt that single player games will vanish. It will always be around. I like both single player and multiplayer games. It all depends what mood I am and at least they are making games more social for people to enjoy together.
    1 point
  14. I don't think that single player games are going away. There are tons and tons of people who prefer single player gaming rather than multiplayer one. A game with good story or campaign can be much more successful than a competitive game. Doom is an example of that and hope there will be much more like this.
    1 point
  15. Ron Force


    New to this I have been playing game for 34 years how long have you been a gamer
    1 point
  16. DaShoud

    Hopeful gamer

    I believe strongly i should win because for the longest i have been a dedicated xbox gamer; from the first one that was ever sold to the most recent. But as i begin to see more and more adds about the ps4 i decided to do some research and discovered that Microsoft was screwing me over in almost every way compared to ps4, my bday recently passed on june 25 and the obly thibg i asked my wife to get me was a ps4 but due to use having 3 kids u can imagine things are kind of tight haha no complaints. I spoke with a friend of mine about the console and he broke everything down from the differences in graphics, online games and also release dates for certain stuff! From that moment i knew thats what i wanted; god of war seemed to be made for me since I like games that run along the lines of greek mythology i have been wanting this for the longest!! Please accrpt my entry as the winner
    1 point
  17. Makina

    Shy at First

    Hello gaming community, my name is Angel Simmons or as I prefer to go by- Makina. I've been gaming for a while thanks to my brother and he's brought me into a world I'm afraid I'll never leave. From games like God of War to Resident Evil 4 I've been addicted to horror and/or strategy games where you have to use the brain of your to move on. I'm happy to be here though because I get to see other women like me who love to sit down after a beautiful day and kick our friends around online. I've grown up on gaming and I love it, I even love new games like Blazblue and Blazblue Crosstag. I've dedicated moments training to play and soon after I became a decent fighter amongst my silly friends. I play ps4 mainly but I'm a dancer that's open to Just Dance and Hiphip Dance Experience that's also on Xbox. There's even times where I'm lazy and play classic games like New Super Mario Bros for the Wii and race my family.
    1 point
  18. toorad2b4u

    introducing me!

    hello, I found this site via a facebook group for the PSVR. someone posted a contest to win a ps4 pro so it ultimately led me here. I live in Washington DC, and am a 35 year old male that has been gaming all my life. I think I am decent at games but tend to stay away from the competitive stuff bc it gives me anxiety. That being said, I love Overwatch and Star Wars Battlefront 2 on the PS4. I just bought a Nintendo Switch and am liking it a lot so far. I have gotten Stardew Valley, Mario Rabbids Kingdom Battle, and the jack in the box party pack 3. Trying Splatoon 2 next and am excited about that. I think gaming is a great way to pass the time because it keeps me out of trouble like going out to the bars, or spending too much money. Also with all the party games they have now, it is a great way to let your non gaming friends enjoy gaming too.
    1 point
  19. Mique Heart


    Names miguel Figueroa. Age 24. Ps die hard fan.
    1 point
  20. Snoopy3778

    Hey I am snoopy3778

    Hi I am snoopy3778 I play on ps4 and I love the game destiny. Been a gamer most of of my life I am 40 so I have a few year lol
    1 point
  21. DapperPickle


    Hello everyone, I am DapperPickle and am new to this site, nice to meet you all! How's it going?
    1 point
  22. Hi I’m mommyofonegirly and I don’t want to win for myself I want to win for my husband because he works so hard to take care of his family and never has the money to buy himself anything and even if he did he wouldn’t he has a heart of gold and would enjoy having a ps4 and he would love any game that comes with it but he also enjoys playing wrestling games too,, if I’ve ever known anyone who should win it should be him, he works 40+ hrs a week only to pay bills and fix his car, he never thinks of himself he’s all about his family and working hard,, attached is a photo of my husband!! He truly deserves to win something
    1 point
  23. DC

    Points System FAQ

    How do I check how many points I have? Simply click on your username to view your profile page and you will see your points total under your post count. How do I redeem my points for prizes? Bid for rewards! What prizes are up for grabs? The rewards are XBL points, video games, gaming consoles, giftcards, and more. What happen to my point total after I redeem my prize? If you have 8,000 points and you want to redeem a prize worth 3,000 points, after the prize is awarded to you, 3,000 points will be deducted from your account, leaving you with 5,000. Pretty simple.
    1 point
  24. DC

    Points System FAQ

    One of the exciting benefits we can offer our members is the chance to earn Points, which can be redeemed for awesome rewards like a free copy of PSN or Xbox Live Gold Cards, a brand new Xbox One or PlayStation 4 console, or other video games. Here is how it works: By being active on our site, you receive Points. Point values for activities are structured as follows: New thread: 5 Points Reply to an existing thread: 2 Points The principle behind these Point values is to encourage forum users to start new topics, and to make them as engaging as possible. Active threads which users find compelling keep the community active and alive, and we want to reward users for creating engaging, informative, high quality threads. Members will receive Points in all forums except for the Forum Games and Introduction since those posts obviously do not create as much value as posts in more relevant sections. While we encourage you to make as many quality posts as you can, we must emphasize the word quality. Please do not engage in spammy behavior to try and gain points. Spammy posting is against our guidelines, and may result in consequences according to our Moderating Guidelines. Indeed, we may revoke Points from users who engage in spammy behavior, send out warnings, and may even suspend user accounts if there are repeated or serious infractions. Use the Points system responsibly and you will help us make this forum a fun and rewarding place for everyone – and you have a chance to win a free game, console, or other awesome reward!
    1 point
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