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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/24/2018 in all areas

  1. DylanC

    Assasins creed

    Just watching video reviews and reading written reviews, tbh. The latest iterations in the series are supposedly way more RPG-focused. Not only that, but I believe they've had more development time compared to the other titles.
    1 point
  2. That's even if you had internet in the first place. Like me who didn't have it and yet wanted it just so I could play FF 11.
    1 point
  3. Demon_skeith

    Assasins creed

    huh, any reason that you know of that they changed the series formula so much?
    1 point
  4. Alyxx

    Favourite PS Vita games?

    Duke Nukem is downloadable if you purchased it before it got pulled off the shops but it's no longer supported. It was removed due to Gearbox suing the crap out of anyone releasing Duke Nukem games that weren't them, who later released the World Tour Edition which has not been released on PS Vita. And yeah Merczone has been a go-to handheld shooter for me for years. And yeah, love that people are still playing it.
    1 point
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