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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/2019 in all areas

  1. Cap level increase by 5 levels 3 new big world bosses added A ton of new pets to catch around Sarnaut Mausoleum of Sparks is back! Gear reset to lowest quality but level risen - fair start for everyone! no p2w on the subscription server Smuggler's Paradise (Yes, it is an official server) A ton of returning players! Come check it out. Dragagon#1985 for any questions or comment on this post. Will check daily!
    1 point
  2. What specific elements would you like to see improved in the next Elder Scrolls game? For me: Consider fixing the awful physics (not going to happen, but it had to be said). Please make it possible to call followers who have wandered off/gotten stuck, instead of making us go search for them. It would be nice if you can “detach” from a horse so that it won’t always appear when you fast travel. I’d like to be able to arrange items in my house without them constantly flipping upside down. Why do they do that? A more complex set of factions like in Fallout NV would be good. More depth to followers with more follower-specific quests would be great, even if that means fewer follower options. Being able to marry or make any follower a steward would be an improvement. So would being able to change followers’/family members’ attire. I’d like to be able to donate more than 1 gold to poor people. What would you like Elder Scrolls 6 to fix?
    1 point
  3. I hated Wind Waker. It was just way too cartooney for me. I wasn't a big fan of Twilight Princess, and never even counted Skyward Sword as an actual Zelda game. I haven't played BOTW yet either so I can't consider it on this list. Majoras Mask was good. A pain in the ass, but still good. Ocarina was a really well designed game, and loads of fun. Link To The Past is high on my list as one of the best. Zelda 2 is probably the most difficult in the entire series, and doesn't really keep to the story. But my all time favorite is the one that got the series started. The original Legend Of Zelda on the NES. It was the best they have made. There are other titles in the series that are great, but they just can't match the original. In my opinion no Zelda title ever has or will match or even rival the original.
    1 point
  4. Two classics I recommend everyone should read are Pride & Prejudice and War And Peace. I haven't been able to find an unabridged copy in any of the book stores around here, and so far the ones I've found online have been a bit out of my price range. It's been so long since I've read either one, that I honestly don't remember much of either story. One writer I do recommend Ayn Rand. Her writings may controversial to some, but a lot of it is intellectually thought provoking.
    1 point
  5. I can't say I'm familiar with Vonnegut. Actually I've never heard the name. Steinbeck on the other hand wrote some beautiful stories. I think Of Mice And Men was probably his best. The Grapes Of Wrath was also an excellent story. He's up towards the top of the list or writers I would recommend. He's there alongside Hemingway, King, and Faulkner.
    1 point
  6. Never really saw a "deluge" of zombie games per se. but then again, that bandwagon happened like 5 or 6 years ago. As for my favorite games, it's the usual suspects like Dead Rising, Left 4 Dead 2 and such. The Zombie apocalypse has always been an interesting subject to me and I can see the fun / tragic aspects of it.
    1 point
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