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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2019 in all areas

  1. @kingpotato Run-and-gun for the same reason as you. My aim is shit. I also just have more fun charging around corners with a shotgun. If I'm playing against bots, I like coming up with optimized pathways through maps and then just playing in a repetitious way (I guess it induces a "flow" state).
    1 point
  2. @Darya Yeah, they made money on them. Consider also that in those days, a lot of games were ... well ... hard. Gaming was more of a niche interest back then, so there were less concern about making games that anyone could feasibly beat. Game devs also were frankly not all that concerned if you played yourself into a situation you couldn't progress out of (you are much less likely these days to make a fatal mistake at the start of the game which stops you from beating it in the end). Add to that the fact that we didn't have YouTube back then. It could be harder--if not impossible, in some cases--to find free guides to help you through difficult sections of challenging games. So the walkthrough manual might be the only solution. They had a kind of "collectibility" status as well for some folks.
    1 point
  3. The problems with Anthem started from the Debut E3 trailer in 2017 - The trailer that EA claimed it was "live gameplay" was entirely made up. EA tasked their Bioware developers with matching the trailer's gameplay - The problem with that is they tried to recreate everything on the crapbite engine instead of the Unreal Engine (which the developers had actual expertise in using) which is when the Bioware devs discovered the difficulty of the project. Instead of restarting everything from scratch and rebuilding with the Unreal Engine and delaying Anthem, the EA execs decided to release the broken mess of a game and try to fix the issues with the game after release because money is the only thing that matters to them. All EA has continued to do is pack lies on top of the other lies they already sold their consumers because none of the Bioware devs know how to use Frostbite so what could they possibly fix? Not a lot really and EA will continue to sell the gullible gamers amongst us the same lies because they're trying to extract every last dollar from them. Anthem will be around for the next 6 months - 1 year at least because they have started to hire new members to work on Anthem so it's not going die off as early as people think.
    1 point
  4. I agree with the commentator above. Virgil for sure! :)
    1 point
  5. We saw La Llorona tonight. I'm going to be going back to see it several times. The movie was flat out fucking awesome. In my opinion everyone needs to see it. It's more than worth the price of the ticket. I would be willing to pawn shit for ticket money. It's that good.
    1 point
  6. How comes when vampires are attacking only a few come out to help fight them but punch a chicken and the whole town has pitchforks and torches for you?
    1 point
  7. A dozen biscuits & gravy. 2 pounds if crispy fried bacon 6 scrambled eggs, 6 eggs over easy, and a halloween a loaf of white bread toast. To wash it all down would be a full gallon of milk.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Executor Akamia

    Ask Akamia

    This fluctuates from day to day, honestly, as I don't really have most of their placements nailed down yet. But right now... Stellaris Supreme Commander 2 StarCraft II Mega Man Zero 3 Sonic Mania MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries Undertale Monster Hunter World Sonic the Hedgehog CD Ace Attorney Investigations 2
    1 point
  10. My condolences I know that feeling 😆
    1 point
  11. DylanC

    Ask Stacey

    I have a great fondness for the genre so I'm gonna just try and keep it short, lol. I absolutely adore Oblivion, Skyrim and all things Fallout-related (as you probably already know!). I also really dig the Souls genre - including the OG Demon's Souls. Finally, I have a penchant for JRPGs but missed out on a lot of classics due to other life commitments when they released (I'm looking at you Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy series!). As a result, I'm a big fan of the more modern JRPGs like Ni No Kuni, Child Of Light (I know it's not *strictly* a JRPG), Demon Gaze and I Am Setsuna. Phew - and breathe... Lol
    1 point
  12. I'm excited for Endgame, and Far From Home, but that's about it for me.
    1 point
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