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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2019 in all areas

  1. I've never been the biggest fan of parties. I went to some in my younger days (god I can't believe that phrase just came out of my mouth. I really am old), but they never really did much for me. People always wanted me on their team for drinking games because (no jokes people) I can open my throat up and just pour fluid straight into my stomach. So I was always the fastest drinker. Unfortunately that also meant I always passed out in front of the toilet. And when you pass out at a party you're fair game for whatever the party wants to do to you. I went to a party on a Saturday night once, got drunk, passed out, and ended up getting duct taped naked, hanging from the monkey bars on a Catholic school playground. I think I still have the newspaper article around here somewhere. It took the cops and fire department about 8 hours to get me down. They had to keep calling more and more men in because they were all laughing too much. I think what they found the funniest part was that the people that taped me there intentionally left my ass exposed for the world to see. Needless to say, after that I drank water and soda.
    2 points
  2. The patent released for the upcoming PS5's technology seems to highlight a form of backwards compatibility which would theoretically make compatible with all previous generations of Sony games from the various consoles. the problem is that we don't know if Sony will ultilize its maximum potential.
    1 point
  3. Congrats @kingpotato! I've awarded 500 Points to your account.
    1 point
  4. Out of all the things I consider when I'm looking to grab myself a game, I wouldn't say that frame-rate comes to the top of my list of considerations. All I care about at the end of the day is that my game plays well and that I am going to enjoy it. It's certainly not something I pay attention to anyway,
    1 point
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