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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2019 in all areas

  1. We all know that the Final Fantasy 7 Remake will be released soon and even though it is one of my favorite Final Fantasy Games from the series and I am looking forward to the remake, I also feel there are others that deserve such a chance. For instance, Final Fantasy 8 - brilliant characters, a main character (squall) and side characters who show tremendous character development throughout the show and a brilliant story. I've never been certain why it gets so much hate when it is a very solid game. Which Final Fantasy games do you think deserve a remake and why?
    1 point
  2. ohemgee! funerals creep me out as well
    1 point
  3. I learnt some excellent recipes from the cooking simulator game on Steam - I learned how to make make pasta with tomato sauce and I also learned how to make breadsticks. It also encouraged me to learn how to make cheese breadsticks - one might say it has awakened my inner Gordon Ramsay🤣
    1 point
  4. Most recently with God of War PS4 regarding Nordic Mythology, I already knew the basics but the game trows you a lot of names and places and it does a good job explaining them. Of course those explanations are for the universe of the game itself and not the actual real myths so thats why after my gaming session I looked up all these places and names and events to learn more about Nordic Mythology.
    1 point
  5. I hope FF13 and FF14 also gets remake. I think a lot of games require remake and they need to be done in such way that we get to feel something new.
    1 point
  6. @kingpotato That's a nope for me - a creepy doll house. People who are obsessed with dolls always tend to be on the creepy side as well.
    1 point
  7. Doll house that is near my house, it used to be a house full of old dolls hanging from every side of the house, it was creepy as fuck, there was an old car parked and it was also decorated with cars. My house is on the industrial park of the city and the doll house was in the rural area behind the industrial park, full of plains and hills so that makes it more creepy at night . I dont know much about the owners except that they where old people couple and I believe the husband passed away last year.
    1 point
  8. I've been to Rave parties in the middle of nowhere but I once went to one in an old abandoned funeral home when I was a teen. However, that party was completely abandoned after a few hours because we started to see stuff moving all over the place (I wasn't drunk or high btw).
    1 point
  9. It's only a few miles from where I live, here in Missouri.
    1 point
  10. During their presentation at 2019 E3, Nintendo and the Developer working on Animal Crossing announced the delay of the new game into 2020. They later provided a rationale for this delay. Basically, they stated that their employees' work/life balance was more important than quickly pumping out a game. Personally, I applaud them for taking this stance. How do you feel about their rationale for delaying one of the major Switch titles? Should other companies follow suit? Do you think this mentality would lead to a stronger gaming industry? Discuss your feelings on the delay as well as how their mentality could impact other parts of the gaming industry.
    0 points
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