I finished Dead Space 2 last week, it was the first time I played a Dead Space game, for some reason Game stop had the first game at 8 dollars and this second one at 2.50 so getting Dead space 2 was my choice 😆. Any way, the game is very good survival game, it has a horror, a good atmosphere and excellent gameplay, the story was a little confusing because there isnt like a specific goal to follow, still the game has an excellent physiological side and your character gets more and more paranoid or schizophrenic as the game progresses due to the experiences of the first game.
The only thing that I hated was the final mission , the end of the story is great but the actual mission is very lame, through out the game you are basically told that there is a smart way to avoid or end quickly a conflict, on the final mission there is no way to avoid damage, enemies will come from all sides and there is no end to them, even if you go fully armored and with a bunch of bullets and med kits you are going to get heavily damaged no matter what, so is more like spraying bullets to make your way through the last mission which takes away a lot of the survival atmosphere that the game had.
What are your opinions on the Dead Space franchise ?