The SJW's are also out in full force. Anything that doesn't suit them is the most offensive thing on earth and has to be stopped right then and there. They're egocentric narcissists. I say round them all up chain them to the back of whatever you drive, and take a 2 hour long road trip.
The sad fact of the matter is that people's skin is now about half as thick as a sheet of paper. Smiling at a woman is equal to rape, asking "How are you?" is equal to stalking, and handing someone something they dropped is equal to stealing. We are living in a pussy whipped world of pathetic little bitches that can't handle the simple fact that, NO, you are not special. No one means anything to people they have never met. Someone in my town died, was born, graduated, got a trophy, got married, divorced, farted. They don't mean shit to me.
You. Are. Not. Special.
Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
Get. The. Fuck. Over. Yourself.