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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/2019 in all areas

  1. For me, when it comes to looking over what game I want to add to my collection next, the last thing on my list of things to do is check what the gaming reviewer from whatever website thought about it. I much prefer gameplay videos (I suppose that can be a form of review but still). I consider reviews to be a personal thing, and as such, are opinionated and personal. Who's to say Mr Reviewer will love the game whilst I may hate it? Naturally, I don't tend to read them or take notice. What about you? Do you take notice or do you do your own thing?
    1 point
  2. The BBC is just one view point that doesn't represent the society at large and the media usually just offers their opinion with little to no evidence backing up their claims so it should be met with a healthy dose of skepticism. The attitude towards gamers might change as time progresses but it'll take a couple decades for us to reach at least an acceptable stage.
    1 point
  3. They must have put something in Skyrim to keep us hooked because i can't stop playing it no matter how predictable the story is and seeing each ending a million times.
    1 point
  4. Skyrim becomes so ridiculously easy at higher levels that I find myself having to do ridiculous stuff like running around naked and try to complete the game with a pickaxe, a fork( not even kidding about this one) and all kinds of crazy challenges just to challenge myself in-game. Come to think of it, I haven't tried playing Skyrim blindfolded...
    1 point
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