For me I would say I'm loyal to The Legend Of Zelda. Granted there are several that I flat out don't like. Wind Waker was too cartoony, Twilight Princess was just annoying with the whole wolf bullshit and the forced ability cutaways, Skyward Sword wasn't even a Zelda game. Those 3 I don't play. But aside from them, I'm a die hard fan, and have beaten almost every other Zelda game with just a few exceptions. I haven't beaten Oracle Of Seasons/Ages, Minish Cap, and BOTW. But that's because I just got into playing them recently. Older games from NES through N64 I have beaten. I did beat 4 Swords on GameCube as well, even though it wasn't really a true Zelda game either. But then again, neither was Majoras Mask, and I played the hell out of it. I'm not counting ROM-Hacks in this list. I have 2 out of the 3 that are available on SNES, and the games are so god damn hard I honestly wonder even IF I'll ever beat them.