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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/2019 in all areas

  1. Just read that @The Blackangel recently bought an Xbox One after avoiding Xbox for a very long time after spotting a great deal at GameStop. It got me wondering what motivated everyone here to buy the consoles you own. For the longest time, I was a PC-only gamer, until I managed to buy my current PS3 off of my neighbour for cheap after borrowing it for a year or so. Between PlayStation and Xbox, I was always leaning toward PlayStation, simply because I am not a big fan of Microsoft. I do feel like Sony is really backwards with a lot of its policies and attitudes though, so both options leave a lot to be desired. I will buy the PS5 and not the Scarlett though, because of Sony’s exclusives. What about you? What made you choose the console you have today?
    1 point
  2. This pretty much reflects my thoughts. I'm a multi-plat gamer and hold no sense of brand loyalty, but the PS4 killed it with its exclusive games and Sony knows and wants to keep that going. Microsoft I think have also learned from that and thus have put a lot of investment in new studios and stuff over the last couple of years and that I think the next Xbox will have some superb games, just not right away.
    1 point
  3. I will probably go for the PS5 just because of the exclusives, but I will wait until TES6 comes out.
    1 point
  4. I'll just do it with my cellphone for the character customization topic.
    1 point
  5. The Blackangel

    Ask Stacey

    I've had a scorpion, 2 ball pythons, macaw, hedgehog, copperhead (don't ask), and a raccoon. That's just what I can remember off the top of my head. But if I was to pick something else it would probably have to be a tarantula. I've always thought they were really cool.
    1 point
  6. I was a Colecovision kid when I was young. It was cheaper than Atari. Granted it was owned by Atari, and was pretty much the same system, but still. I remember the NES coming out in '85. It was the peak of gaming and the graphics and abilities the system had were mind blowing. So I wanted one. I got it a couple years late and played it like hell. Then the SNES came out. I saved up every penny I could get my hands on for over a year to buy one. You can see where this is going. With the exception of Game Cube and Wii, I have always been a Nintendo fan. The only systems I have never owned that they have put out since NES are Virtual Boy and Wii U. I've had every version of GameBoy. So since I grew up with Nintendo that's where most of my loyalty sticks. PS1 and PS3 have great games, and I play them a lot. But for me the top of gaming will always be Nintendo.
    1 point
  7. Understood @Crazycrab but I'd still rather those discussions take place on the forum as opposed to Discord. I appreciate your input, thanks for joining VGR.😀I'll continue to leave this topic open.
    1 point
  8. killamch89

    Last Game Played

    GTA V Online
    1 point
  9. I got an Xbox One. GameStop was selling them for $99, so I picked one up. Nevermind that I've hated Xbox since the first one. But I figured I would give it another chance since there has been a couple new generations. I've always been a Nintendo fan, but I hated GameCube and wasn't a particularly big fan of Wii. So I figured what the hell.
    1 point
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