The Getaway on PS2:
It's important to note that game does not have a traditional health bar. The designers wanted an immersive, photorealistic look so there's really no visible hud at all, it's up to the player to among other things keep track of how much ammo was left in your clip for example. The only indication of your health is that the character will start limbing and staggering around like he's injured. It was quite a neat idea.
I was enjoying it and the game itself is very challenging but not unfairly so... Until This one part that I swear to god the developers put in there as an intentional block. It's towards the end of the game where you are following one of the main character villains onto a ship. You first have to clear the deck of bad guys and then enter the ship itself where the guy shoots at you when you come to an open door. This one shot does a massive amount of damage sometimes even killing you instantly, like the asshole has a magic bullet! I know this for a fact because with practice and repetition on subsequent attempts I am able to get past all the guys on the deck without getting hit once but then I get to this door... BAM It's over or at least my health is so low that it might as well be. I tried everything from creeping very slowly and carefully towards the door, running out as fast I could, rolling out and layout down cover fire but the result was always the same.
I was enjoying it wanted to see how it ended but I just could not figure out how to get past this part and gave up. I've never beaten it. 😞