Let me start with by saying this practice is wrong, utterly wrong, but I have encountered it only once. I found it with Child of Light for PS4, and that's it (Awesome game, BTW). The gaming world will go digital, sooner or later, but consoles have held on to the principle that the buyers rights accosted physical media don't have to disappear. Yes, games are already getting over 100GB on PC, far bigger than a Blue Ray or an affordable Cartridge, so big downloads and online connectivity are a part of this now. However, buying games on physical media, even with the massive download installs you get these days, still grants you rights that game publishers just don't want you to have. That's why physical game media will die, not because digital is the future, but because it's the future ass-hole publishers want.
This of course only applies to console users because PC users were willing to sacrifice the rights that physical media offered years ago, so no PC gamer holds any right to sympathy over this. Seduced by their oh so precious Steam, they have been willing to accept basic buyers rights on a drip feed because "Praise Gaben". Yes, I'm a PC Gamer, but I'm no PCMR fanboy hypocrite as I consider the lack of physical media and the buyers rights that go with it a huge disadvantage with the platform. I own no game on Steam, just paid retail price for the right to play it. Digital media is paying for access to games, not actually buying them, and that's what publishers want.