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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2020 in all areas

  1. Stellaris Decided to play one last galaxy before it's time for Federations to release... which, honestly, likely won't be for another couple of months yet. Anyway, I've decided to give playing a regular hive mind a try. Last time I played a hive mind, it was a Devouring Swarm, the most powerful type of hive, and necessarily so as it is a genocidal variant that does not have any diplomatic options at all. However, I seem to have gotten the worst neighbors in history, as both my neighboring empires are Fanatical Purifiers. This is gonna be an eventful playthrough... 😂
    1 point
  2. When you're lying? @The Blackangel any new riddles for us?
    1 point
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