I finished my first playthrough of Bioshock 2 last night. Amazing game overall, and somewhat under recognized in my opinion.
Some matters did confuse me though, in particular the ending. I don’t understand for sure what killed Delta. In fact, I’m not even sure if Delta died.
My understanding of the situation is that once the bond between Delta and Eleanor was severed, if Delta were left untreated, he would either 1-lapse into a coma, or 2-go insane.
By setting the explosives, I assume Lamb’s goal was to kill Delta on the instant. This would transport him to a Vita Chamber, where he would regenerate. But by then the sub would be on its way to the surface, and Persephone would be sinking into the depths where he’d ultimately die permanently.
Instead, he survived and hung on long enough to reach the surface.
What happened to him then? Did he have a delayed death from his injuries? Or was he slipping into a coma? If the latter, would Eleanor’s act in removing the ADAM have killed him? Or would he have remained comatose?
At that rate, how did Eleanor plan to save him on the surface in the first place? I never was clear on that.
I appreciate any light anyone can shed!
@DylanC In particular, if you have any insights or theories, I'd love to hear them