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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/29/2020 in all areas

  1. DC

    Last Game Played

    Apex Legends on XB1
    1 point
  2. King45Gamer


    Hello everyone KingGamer here found this place and I decided to join.
    1 point
  3. no violent video games do not cause violence. bad parenting and mental issues and society not looking after people who need help causes violence. people just want a scapegoat so they say games did it
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. I think I’m a prime example of video games not causing violence, being that I’m a clinically diagnosed sociopath. I play some of the most depraved, gruesome games imaginable. And I derive pleasure from picturing people in more pain and suffering than most can fathom. But never once have I acted on it. The game Hatred doesn’t give me the thoughts that I should try it just for whatever reason. I don’t care enough about people to waste the time and energy on them. All the planning and time it would take to set up a location to do it isn’t something I care to waste time on either. I can do it in game, and dream it up even worse in my mind, and I’m satisfied. It takes little energy and I get to experience what I want. The only time I would express any of these desires is if someone broke into my house. I’ve gone on record with the cops that anyone breaking in will not leave alive. It is my 100% intention to kill them. And I will succeed in ending a human life. Did video games have anything to do with any of this? Not a god damn thing. Actually the opposite. They actually STOP ME from acting on my desires. The violence I get to experience in game keeps me in check. So I can straight up tell you that violent games can actually be a good thing.
    1 point
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