Today, Square Enix announced NieR Replicant, a "Remaster" (it's not) of the original NieR from 2010 and predecessor to the hugely successful (NieR wasn't) NeiR Automata. There will be legions of posers who will claim they played the original when they didn't for sure, but you can always trust me. Here's the original box art because you've never seen it before.
People are calling it a "remaster", but it's not. A decade after this RPG and half finished predecessor to NieR Automata that 5 people at most actually played and almost nobody even heard of until Automata came out, the game is finally being finished. I'm not a promoter, so I give you the truth, so don't let anyone trick into believing that tis is a "remaster". Me and @Crazycrab are in fact 2 of those 5, and he borrowed the game from me after my girlfriend bought it for me it at complete random without really knowing what it was, so it was pure chance we played it at all. That's how obscure this game was.
Like I said, the term "unfinished" barely scratches the surface here, but It wasn't buggy or broken. They finished parts, but barely started on the rest. Most of the cutscenes and dialogue weren't voice acted even though they were clearly supposed to be, but much of the rest of the cutscenes and dialogue weren't in the game at all. They run out of time, so replaced them with walls of badly formatted text against a blank background instead. Reading this made it clear this was supposed to be gameplay instead and even described combat scenarios and boss fights. There was a few graphical issues to, poetically with antialiasing and close up rendering. Things got really pixilated when the camera got close, it was like PS1 textures.
OK, so half of this dinner was still living of the farm, but the other half was actually rather tasty, and that's why this game annoyed me so much at the time, you could see the potential. The gameplay was varied and had a fantastic retro feel with a modern presentation. Combat was fantastic, especially the boss fights and the game looked really cool despite the obvious production problems and aforementioned issues with the graphics. It also told a fantastic, unique story with superb, colourful characters and really good voice acting when it was there. Kainé in particular is very memorable. A foul-mouthed, ruthless, but still very funny badass wearing lingerie the entire time (Even 10 years ago it was a different time for gaming, progression is all good).
All joking aside and despite my genuine frustration I am excited to see this game perhaps finally reach it's full potential and would urge you all to check it out. I don't want to one of only 5 anymore. And they actually do plan to "make additions and improvements", so I'm not exaggerating when I say Square Enix are finishing it... at last. Here is the trailer and an article below for you all to check out to learn more, but remember, it's NOT a remaster, no matter what anyone tells you.