I still think you should wait, but If you insist a can prepare a build for you on PCPartPicker. I just need a few bits of information:
Location: To get accurate pricing and availability your local currency I need to know roughly where you are. Send me a PM if you don't want this public.
Budget: How much are you willing to spend? Including essential peripherals like mouse, keyboard and monitor(s) in the budget if you need them. If budget isn't a concern then let me know about...
...Performance: You say you "want to be able to run graphics smoothly and have the ram and space needed for speed and being able to have digital copies of games" but this isn't very specific. If you can give a bit more detail about the resolution and refresh rate of the the monitor(s) that would be helpful. If you can't I'll match your budget as best I can.
NAS Storage: You say you are willing to buy and run your games from Network Access Storage, but I don't recommend this for gaming since as it can slow up load times and some clients might not be compatible. If you do decide to go for it how much storage do you need? You may also want to consider the state of your home network as I defiantly don't recommend doing this through WiFi, at least not for you main gaining rig. You will also to consider this in your budget and there are alternatives like Steam Link if it is ultimately impractical.
Is it JUST for gaming? Judging by what you have said so far I'd assume yes but if there is anything else you would use it for (work, video editing, streaming ect) let me know.
Space: I'll assume again based on your earlier posted that you do have a space for it but is it limited in any way? Like the size of your desk and anything else already on it.
Astetics: Do looks matter and if they do describe how.
Well I think that covers it. You can replay or let me know through a PM.