Most important thing everyone, DO NOT CLICK ON THOSE LINKS!
Those links a re-directs that don't actually go to Green Man Gaming, I believe they pass though (most likely) an affiliate verification for @Mr.Merbleshere, but that's the best case scenario. They can send people anywhere, including phishing sites trying to obtain peoples bank information. Congratulations @Mr.Merbles, you've stepped up. First you were posting links to a shady, controversial affiliate business, now you're posting with links with layered over text that are possibly very dangerous.
I would have just reported this (I still will), but I checked it out and least the deals are actually real, but refuse to just let you cash in on clicks given how dishonest you've been about this.
So instead of just reporting this, I'm gonna piss all over your bonfire and post the DIRECT links the those deals from GMG. I also won't hide the links behind overlaying text so people can see what they are.
For each game, there're multiple versions, and I'll link to the standard versions, but they're all on sale.
Farcry 5
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Origins