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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2020 in all areas

  1. There is another member I would like to nominate as well, but as we are limited to one nomination, and that member has already been nominated, my choice is @AndreiMirfi for member of the month. He has offered a lot of good posts, and been enjoyable to interact with.
    2 points
  2. Love them and treat them with kindness. My sperm donor (AKA father) beat me every day of my life to the point that I started sleeping with a loaded rifle when I was 12, until he finally died when I was 18. My egg donor (AKA mother) got her kicks reminding me every day how worthless I am, how stupid I am, and that she wished she had aborted me. The rest of my bloodline, on both sides, joined in for the "fun" as well. My brother and sister however, walked on water. Social situations (school for example) were the same. Abuse (physical, verbal, emotional) was the daily norm for me. I grew up thinking that it was normal and that's just how the world works. I never had one single friend my entire childhood and on into adulthood. I finally mad a friend and we became closer than sisters. We're not lesbians, not that there's anything wrong with that. We actually live together, and I refer to her as "my girl" all the time. When we met and I saw her family love each other, I told her for years that her family was weird. I had never seen anything like that before. The only person that treated me with any kindness and love was my paternal grandmother. But she never knew the meaning of the word hate. She was the kindest most loving person that ever lived. She would rival any loving god you can think of. So just love them, and remind them that they have value. Never tear them down. Instead build them up. Encourage them. Don't let them turn out like me. I get pleasure of watching others get hurt, and go through the most extreme pain most can't even fathom.
    2 points
  3. Current iPhone's are extremely water resistant, almost to the point of being waterproof. I use an iPhone 6S, and i have dropped it in the dogs water bowl a couple times, and it suffered no damage. If I had left it in there, it would have been shot. But they're getting better at it. There are waterproof cases on the market for iPhone's, but they're expensive as all hell, and typically only available at an Apple store, as opposed to, say, the AT&T store where you get your service. Despite the fact that you get your phone there.
    1 point
  4. Sorry you had to go through all that. I can't even pretend to imagine what that must have been like, but I admire your strength and resolve. Just know you have friends here.
    1 point
  5. I get my news here, or the occasional YouTube video if a thumbnail pops up that catches my eye.
    1 point
  6. Social media, YouTube as well as, of course, websites like VGR. I'm not big on the major commercial video games media because their success, or even survival, is tied directly the success of the video games industry, so it's hard to put full trust in anything they say.
    1 point
  7. Nominate :)) I don't know what's with me.
    1 point
  8. Never played any Zelda games.
    0 points
  9. You have to ask yourself what kind of guy likes to tease dudes online? What a loser collection So entertaining
    0 points
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