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Unpopular Gaming Opinions
DC and 2 others reacted to Gamertotheend for a topic
oh dear, I'm a little scared of posting here as my unpopular opinions tend to be very very unpopular and I don't wish to be banned. but here goes and in no order:- 1:- Achievements/Trophies. I feel these are one of the worst additions to gaming in decades for several reasons: 1st they are worthless and meaningless. I mean whether you have 1 achievement or a million, it makes no difference. 2nd they actually set a bad mindset and instead of playing a game and exploring/discovering things themselves, they simply follow a 'checklist' of things to do set by the devs, hardly my idea of fun. (quite frankly one of the main reasons I bought a Nintendo Switch was because it does not have baked-in Achievements/trophies) Solution: If you must have achievements/trophies in games, give them a purpose, right now they are just pointless fluff. So have it so you can "trade in" your gamerscore or your trophies for things like money off games. Then there would be a reason to collect these silly things. 2:- Modern devs think us gamers are morons - Why is it that in most if not all new games, whenever you come across an item you can use, it has a stupid glowing halo? really devs, really? Do you think we're too stupid to figure out what items we can and can't use? and when climbing walls/cliffs. The ones you can climb up have markings or paint to show us. Again why?? it ruins the fun, discovering which areas you can climb up was good and you've taken that away from us now and it's all hand-holding and being lead by the nose. Solution: just damnwell stop it! We are not idiots, we can figure out where we can climb or what items we can pick up. even if by trial and error.. just stop it! 3:- Fps games have grown stale and boring. I used to love FPS games, both online and single player but I've not bought one in a couple of years now because they've grown so stale and same-y. If you've played one CoD game, you've pretty much played them all and that goes for the other games too. The games seem to be getting simplified or dumbed down and it's just the same cookie cutter nonsense over and over. Go back 10-15 years and you'll find shooters were (on average) vastly more enjoyable and challenging. Solution: Study older games and stop doing the same old, same old crap just because it's the lazy option and people buy it regardless 4: Single player GAAS (Games as a Service) should be banned. There is no valid reason why single player games can only be played if you are online. That is an utter joke and a scam because when the servers are shut down, your game is dead forever. okay that's understood and accepted for multiplayer games but for single player games it's despicable and repugnant. If I buy a single player game, I want to keep it and play it whenever. Heck I still have games that I bought (or were bought for me) in 1982-86 that still work and I still play from time to time. online only single player games are simply not acceptable. Solution: stop buying single player games that are online only. also Fallout 2 is still the best fallout game ever BotW was good but very empty and very boring Smash bros is one of the most dull games on the Switch indie games are 95% shovelware and 5% hidden gem Souls games are tedious and simply not enjoyable to play Mobile gaming is repugnant and rife with f2p garbage that pretends to be gameplay whilst doing nothing but bleeding the bank account of the unwary dry that's enough for now before I get into trouble. lol3 points -
Unpopular Gaming Opinions
Gamertotheend and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
@Gamertotheend I don't think there is a single thing you said that I disagree with, and that's coming from a newly appointed mod' that's desperate to make an example out of somebody 😂.2 points -
Weirdest Game You've Ever Played
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
What's the weirdest game you have ever played? For me it would be A Boy And His Blob. It's a crazy NES game. Basically you're adventuring with a blob of (I don't know what) to save the blob's planet (Blobonia) from an evil emperor. To get around you have to feed the blob different flavor jelly beans to turn it into different things like ladders, umbrellas, and jacks just to name a few. Oh and the blobs name is Blobert. For this I would like to ask everyone to try to stay away from big franchises if you can.1 point -
I used to be a first person is the only good way to play games type. Then I left that attitude behind. Nowadays I barely even notice the viewpoint in shooters. it is inconsequential to me. But when it comes down to it, I even prefer 3rd person. Why? Vanity. I want to see my character in action. What's the point of spending hours in character creators and searching for the best looking armor or outfit, if I'm never going to see it? That's why I'm kind of disappointed that CP2077 will be First person view locked. But then there are games where fps view would not work at all, like Tomb Raider with a lot of jumping and climbing and having to be aware of the surroundings. You have zero situational awareness in first person view compared to reality. So I'd argue that TPS view can be more immersive, not less.1 point
AndreiMirfi reacted to DC for a topic
@THawk, have you tried using a incognito or private window to log in and see if you are experiencing this issue? Also, are you using a VPN service at all? We're not getting other reports of log in issues.1 point -
This topic needs revival. I'll start off with one of my unpopular opinions, I have plenty. Rockstar games can't write likeable, relatable characters. All of their characters are miserable self loathing burlap sacks of turds that are impossible to like or identify with. In GTAIV, GTAV, RDR2, all of their recent games. But the older titles weren't much better either, the only difference is that those games were less character heavy so I didn't care that much either way. They even managed to make Max Payne an awful unlikeable character in Max Payne3 when they got their hands on the franchise, basically killing it in one stroke. The Max Payne of Max Payne 3, is as bad as the Luke Skywalker of the Last Jedi. It's antithetical to the established character, a caricature.1 point
What do you do when you are bored from games?
AndreiMirfi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I taught myself HTML when I was about 16. I used to have a website that I built strictly with HTML, and a touch of prewritten JavaScript. It looked really professional for the time frame. As for the JS, I can’t write my own, but I can usually manipulate a prewritten code to fit my needs. I also ran a fairly popular forum, and had a guestbook with a few hundred comments. It was a fairly big and popular site for several years, and actually won a lot of awards.1 point -
What do you do when you are bored from games?
AndreiMirfi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If you’re into fantasy, you should read Knight’s Wyrd. It’s my favorite fantasy book, and I’ve read a lot of them. You can get a copy of it on eBay for like $4 or $5 with free shipping most of the time.1 point -
AndreiMirfi reacted to THawk for a topic
I logged in with edge instead of Firefox and all seemed to work. While I like Firefox it can be a PITA!1 point -
What do you do when you are bored from games?
AndreiMirfi reacted to DavidJonBoard for a topic
When I got bored on playing games, I read a lot of books, mostly fantasy. However, I've recently started reading "Blood, Sweat, and Pixels: The Triumphant, Turbulent Stories Behind How Video Games Are Made", highly recommend 🙂1 point -
What do you do when you are bored from games?
AndreiMirfi reacted to skyfire for a topic
I often look at other games and recently started developing interest for the game development too. I am currently using the defond engine as it allows export to android. I may consider getting into the game development slowly.1 point -
What do you do when you are bored from games?
AndreiMirfi reacted to Family sedan for a topic
I'll read, do crosswords to music, watch sports or auto racing or watch Jeopardy with my dad.1 point -
Sports video gaming
AndreiMirfi reacted to skyfire for a topic
F1 and the NFS series of the games are definiely fun to play though they get over your head after some times but F1 is definitely a good experience.1 point -
Weirdest Game You've Ever Played
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
I might think of something else later, but the one that comes to mind right now would be Catherine on the PS3/XB360. It's a dark, seedy tale, told within the nightmares of a troubled yound man torn between the feelings of commitment to his current love and the temptations of a new beauty on the scene and... it's a puzzle game.1 point -
To those that go specifically for first person games
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
Because it's the same perspective on one's actual sight, it can feel more immersive and real. For shooters especially, I'd say it feels more accurate as well. It's not an easy thing do well, though, not nearly as easy as people think. Because it matches a real world perspective, the slightest flaw in character animations, control, movement dynamics or reactions from the environment are more the more noticeable. The smallest things can really be immersion breaking For example, I started playing Fallout 4 on PC the last couple of days and I play the game mostly in 1st person (In this game, you switch between 1st and 3rd). One of the things I noticed right away was the way the character holds his/her gun while not shooting. It's something that really odd looking while standing still, but's it's especially odd while moving the character. The gun is held upright, straight out in front of it were a standing shot. Thankfully, I could install a mod that changes the animation so that the character then held the gun down and close to body and it looks way better. Here's a vid comparing the two.1 point -
I liked the first few seasons it was one of my favorite shows, but the later seasons, really degraded in quality. Especially the cases and the actual lawyer bit has become very bad and uninteresting. And even the characters started to become over the top. I managed to watch it to the end after a long hiatus, (I don't remember exactly when it went from bad to worse) But if the first seasons are a 9/10, then the last few are a 3/10 at best.0 points