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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/26/2020 in all areas

  1. hardcoregamer

    Ask Hardcoregamer

    This community looks friendly to me. The overall design is clear to use.
    2 points
  2. Thanks @AndreiMirfi, I nominate @AndreiMirfi
    1 point
  3. How about T-Rex Run, if someone calls you out you can just tell them your internet is down!
    1 point
  4. Sorry but I feel I have to post again on this, I just finished the game (no spoilers) and it was one of the best gaming experiences I've had in the PS4 era. The story was amazing and it moved me in ways games have not for decades. a superb game indeed in fact I'd say it was possibly one of the best games I've ever played on my PS4. Really enjoyable and entertaining experience indeed. I highly recommend it.
    1 point
  5. Have you watched The King Of Staten Island? I loved it. Though it has already been released. Most of the movies that are being released right now were done before the pandemic. That is why it seems like there is nothing new coming from the industry.
    1 point
  6. I've been playing it for a good time now. it doesn't seem to show the hours played but I would guess I have 50-70 hours on it and I'm really loving it. I am a sucker for rpgs and open world games but this is my 'goty' so far. Superb game with great combat and stunning graphics. (PS4pro)
    1 point
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