It wouldn't surprise me in the least. Mark Zuckerberg is always looking to make even more money. As $82 billion, he's already wiping his ass with $100 bills. So it's not like he needs it, but he's still greedy as hell. If he thinks he can make a nickel off of it, he's going to go for it.
I think Sony will win this round too, despite being the weaker hardware on paper, and I suspect being more expensive. But consoles are not PCs, you can't sell them on hardware specs, you sell them on titles.
Did they scrap the original design? Or is the Xbox X still a concrete block, while this one is at the very least not going to make a persons eyes bleed?
I'm way in the country, so I use satellite for wifi. It only allows so many gigabytes I can use each month, so I'm limited in gaming. I've never even tried online gaming. At least I can do special events in games. Please stop making online only games!