Well, looks like I've kinda dropped the ball here, a few new questions I didn't even notice. Well, let's just clear these up.
Well, the last character I've played as at the time of posting this is my latest light armour/sword and bow build in Oblivion. It is a female, an Ainmhi. A rave of people that are somewhere between Khajiit and human. That race isn't a part of the base game, It's part of a mod I installed to enhance the character creator. And now that I stop to look at her...
... I suppose she is kinda cute. So maybe, if she was real, I would consi...
... on second thought, never mind.
I'll change my mind in about 5 minutes, but my top 10 in no particular order;
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Last of Us 1 and 2
Burnout 3: Takedown
Metal Gear Solid Franchise
Final Fantasy 10 and 12
Tales of Berseria
Perfect Dark
Shadow of the Colossus
An interesting question because I live in Scotland, a country famous throughout the world for its natural beauty, but in fact only has one National Park, The Cairngorms, and I've never actually been there.
But yeah, I would love to visit Yellowstone.