If you ask me, people need to take off their tin foil hats, take their paranoia medication and see that not everything, in reality almost nothing, that happens in the world needs a complicated conspiracy to explain it. I'm no fan of China, don't get me wrong and Tencent is a horrible company, but the worst they want to do to you is rip you off. I have a Huawei Phone and a Huawei Tablet and the only complaint I have is the constant badgering to buy more cloud data for back-ups. It's also very hypocritical for the west to be so critical imo because we depend on China a lot more than most of us care to admit. Look around your house and check how many things in it have "Made in China" written on them, but you won't smash any of it, and these people will obviously still play Fortnight and buy games from Epic. Even the UK's Ministry of Defence was happy enough to involve China in its largest warship construction in history. Take at look at this crane that was vital in the assembly process of the QEC class aircraft carriers and take one guess where it was built.
End the paranoia. Even if the worst case scenario is real, it still isn't worse than what are people doing to themselves. It's stupid, paranoid, hypocritical, archaic and maybe even a little racist. World, just stop it.
EDIT: Now that I look at it, this is more of a ploitical topic than a gaming one, so I'm going to move the tpoic to the appropriate section.