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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Easy one for me, personally: The Last Of Us. I still show non-gamers the opening to that game to show how far our medium has come. Such an emotional opening and I still tear up when I play it. How about you? What do you think is the best opening in a video game?
    1 point
  2. You have to have family and friends before you can hear this kind of idiocy. But I have heard this argument before. And @Shagger is exactly right. That's why we have ratings on games now. You wouldn't give a 5 year old a copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day just because it has a cute squirrel on the cover, so it has to be for kids. Well when the kid is bouncing off a sunflowers tits, maybe you will think twice before calling a game system a child's toy. Even Atari was doing it with Custer's Revenge in 1982. Look at the fucking ratings people. There are games directed at the 5 year old demographic, and games directed at the adult demographic. Not all of them are pornographic. Some are gory, some are cutesy. Some are nightmare inducing, some are calming and soothing. You have to look into what the plot and story is. If I had kids, I wouldn't let my ten year old play Call Of Duty, but I would have no problem with them playing Castlevania. Just because they need to understand the difference between fiction and nonfiction. CoD is too realistic for what I would want my child exposed to at that age. Castlevania, is obviously a fictitious story. So as long as my child was able to enjoy the game, and it had no mental/emotional effects on him/her/neither/both then I would be fine with that. What parents need to understand is that there are ratings for a reason, and you have to make a responsible decision. When you do that, then it can be called a toy for the younger demographic, but it's not for the older.
    1 point
  3. I'm not a huge fan of the game, but Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain had an excellent opening in the hospital and all the chaos. That was epic.
    1 point
  4. Definitely The Walking Dead. Just recently I had to stop and think about a situation in Witcher 3: Kill 5 guys to save one life, but that one life will allow a monster to kill a villager as a sacrifice whenever it needs it. OR Let the guys kill the one, and the monster won't have its sacrifice and will hunt whenever it wants. Doesn't look like there's a win to me. I chose to save the one guy and killed the 5 because he was unarmed against 5. And the monster will have its appetite fulfilled instead of going on a rampage.
    1 point
  5. The Fallout games, The Last Of Us and Telltale’s The Walking Dead are all games that come to mind as they really try to toy with your morality and ethics. Life Is Strange and Before The Storm also made me put down the controller a few times so that I could think about the decisions the game was asking me to make.
    1 point
  6. Alyxx

    Best opening to a game?

    Still haven't played Last Of Us but it sounds worth playing. So far the best opening I've seen in a game is Doom 2016. Just straight to the point, kick demon ass.
    1 point
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