Oh, fanboys! FUCKING FANBOYS! Oh how I HATE thee!
I wish o could create a pill to turn these fanatics sworn to idiocy into rational, human beings. Failing that, just ship them to a island whare than only interact with other fanboys, bot digitally and in reality, and leave the rest of us to enjoy our hobbys and our passions in peace. Don'tget me wrong, I love opinions. I love having them, I love hearing them and most of all I love learning from them. Seeing another perspective and way of thinking through the free exchange of information is wonderful and even essential.
Fanboys, however, are not interested in any of that. Seeing someone either blindly defending or a attacking in the name a certain brand, product or coperate entity that doesn't care if said individual died tomorrow annoys me to the extreme. I mean I usually find myself getting more hyped up for what PlayStation has coming as opposed to Xbox, but that's because what PlayStation tends to offer fits me better, but dose that mean I'm gonna take up arms for Sony when the do something stupid? No! If you consider yourself a true fan of something, you'll expect and even demand the very best of of whatever it is, not accept and defend it when they get something obviously wrong.