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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/07/2020 in all areas

  1. No fucking way. I value honesty, and despise greed, and would never support some piece of shit like that. If some scalper tried to sell me one, I would knock their worthless ass to the ground then squat down and piss on their face. After that I would just raid their pockets and take their console. Yes, I would rob them.
    2 points
  2. Is collecting a big enough topic for itself? I collect mineral specimens and gi joes. Do you collect games? What is it you collect? Mineral specimens are natural crystals grown through its given environment. Gi Joes, well, just wish they were here today to fight Trump AKA Cobra Commander.
    1 point
  3. I'm a bit of a masochist so I love extremely challenging games. Just like in most multiplayer games I won't pick fights with weaker opponents unless I have no choice but to fight them.
    1 point
  4. They also have a mod like that for Skyrim. I have so many dead characters right now...R.I.P Hector the Dragon King. They even give you a Eulogy for the dead character in the form of a note.
    1 point
  5. I feel like this is leading somewhere else...(cough*hentai*cough)😹
    1 point
  6. A lot of games have a "hardcore" option that if you die once it's all over. You go all the way back to square one. You might be one step from winning and beating the game, but are killed by a surprise attack. Well you are now at the beginning of a new file.
    1 point
  7. That's a valid point actually. In most games nowadays, the consequences of failure are absolutely non-existent. If I were to put a game on this list, it has to be Dark Souls. The checkpoints are few and even if you pause the game, the game itself continues so if you were getting murdered and thing you could take a break, the pause button won't save you.
    1 point
  8. I agree. It's probably why most of the players in Monster Hunter World tend to be extremely friendly because the boss fights are extremely challenging and requires a lot of teamwork.
    1 point
  9. There's no real defense of their practices because every one else is also being affected by Covid. I think most retailers need to start implementing captcha (the difficult ones) among other strategies to limit the scalper's business and make it time-consuming and ineffective. Then again, most retailers only care about the money they receive so...
    1 point
  10. No way! I'd just wait for a couple of months until the supply catches up to the demand and purchase it for the original market price. Consoles aren't an essential item so I can do without it for a few months.
    1 point
  11. Even superfans aren't interested in inherently bad games.
    1 point
  12. I think I have an explanation. There is some kind of read error and the system can't tell how much storage there is. Therfore the software is defaulting and displaying the maximum amount of storage alowable for 64 bit. Which is 2^64 bytes = 16777216 Tb.
    1 point
  13. Kane99

    Folding Smartphones

    idk, those phones were powerhouses back in the day and lasted quite a bit. But, gradually the hinges on said phones do go, and down the road, these hinges in the smart folding phones are bound to get damaged over time too. I think once these phones get down in price, it won't be too much of a problem. Because if these become cheap enough, it won't be a problem to buy a newer one at some point. But as they stand now at those prices, I don't see people jumping at the opportunity to own one, at least not yet.
    1 point
  14. I loved odyssey, but unfortunately valhalla seems like two steps backwards in every sense. the fighting is clunky and much less fun, the story and characters are uninteresting, the quests tedious, the scenery dreary, there is no loot. No naval engagements. Open fighting is forced over stealthy gameplay. Enemies spawn out of thin air. Raids are repetitive and boring. The enemy AI is awful, cutscenes and conversations with NPCs seem half complete, placeholder level even. Should I go on?
    1 point
  15. Shagger


    I've got a modest collection of retro game stuff and a couple if limited run albums, but I'm no collector. I think I prefer having the few, cool things over the larger collection of other things I don't really need.
    1 point
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