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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2020 in all areas

  1. I do think anti-heroes are more appealing. In my opinion, I love good written anti-heroes, but, it's not always good, most of them are just written like edgy rogues from a DnD campaign and you just want to kill them.
    2 points
  2. I assume it's going to only get worse for them, as I can't see them regaining any of that vieweship. A lot of the time, I feel these games are just fads, and the next fun game to come out, takes its place before another comes out. Rinse and repeat. It's tough to keep a game popular for long.
    1 point
  3. I remember the keyboard. It was a limited release, and wasn't received well. It was kind of like the GameBoy camera and GameBoy printer. There were tons of other pointless and useless accessories, most that flopped selling less than 1000 units. Some that were proposed and never released. Such as the GameBoy sewing machine. Nintendo got ridiculous with that shit.
    1 point
  4. When I worked as a Software Test Engineer at a previous company, there were tons of game development testers that had lost their job due to the company not doing too well shortly after. The only plus is you see games before they are released. The cons are HUGE including; Doing every level, multiple times in a row various different ways. Crunching before the release of games and before patches go out to make sure they are correct. Trying to play games in ways that they shouldn't be played or trying to bypass areas in open world games.
    1 point
  5. Reminde still that It says "Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Super Mario RPG" is because Nintendo no longer owns the rights. It's just as hard to add Geno than any other 3rd party character. I’m still holding hope for geno being a DLC fighter, so long as there’s empty slots in the fighter pass. Lets see, looks to be something crazy hype.
    1 point
  6. The old systems kinda needed a mascot, just because that was the times. Mario and Sonic are iconic. Link too. But in today's gaming world, choosing a mascot is not a smart move. It takes away time from the developers that should be working on their games and systems, by instead having a consensus to choose a character to represent them. And there's no telling how long that would take, and how much money would be poured into such a pointless endeavor. Too much R&D for a mascot instead of R&D for a hot game series.
    1 point
  7. AC Odyssey- not playing around Fallout 4- tired of playing around
    1 point
  8. Swordquest: Airworld never got released.😢 I remember playing Fireworld and Earthworld, and still playing them today. Waterworld is extremely rare, but Airworld, while it was planned, never got made. There was something I mentioned in another thread, but I can’t remember what it was at the moment.
    1 point
  9. Right now Epic is throwing a lot of Fortnite and Unreal Engine licensing money mucsle at the service in order to catch up to Steam. The problem is money flows faster than progress. Epic is still light years behind in terms of functionality and they know it. No proper drive managment, no sharing, hell hey don't even have a friggin shopping cart and it's been well over a year since it launched. It's smart that they are throwing their money around for giveaways and exclusives, but that is NOT going to keep them in competition forever. The service and storefront needs big improvements.
    1 point
  10. You might be cool. But you'll never be Billy Idol in Fallout 4 walking away from a nuclear explosion cool...
    1 point
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