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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2021 in all areas

  1. Being a classic gamer, I can guarantee that as long as I can play, the old stuff will never be forgotten. I got my PhD in Console Emergency Surgery when I was 5. I know how to administer CPR to a Nintendo better than anyone. So Iā€™m going to keep them all alive.
    3 points
  2. Cumulus

    Hello there!

    Hello there everyone! I'm Cumulus and I'm from the UK: Huge gaming and tech geek here šŸ˜ It's great to be hhere- Looking forward to some great discussions!
    1 point
  3. There was a long complicated discussion about them, same goes to downloading games roms from internet, some say it's illegal, and some say it's legal as companies stopped making money from those games and they won't make any benefit/lose anything if you download roms, it's still a mystery.
    1 point
  4. I don't think they'll be forgotten: There's enough folk that love the retro game industry which will keep them going! I will load up my old DS (that's about as retro as I go!) from time to time to show my younger brother the sort of games I use to play - for as long as people keep doing that I don't see retro games going anywhere!
    1 point
  5. I don't think they will be forgotten for many reasons, one of these reasons is that they are still receiving speedruns from lot of people around the world, another reason, is that they belong to the first days of gaming, so they will be always a thing to exist
    1 point
  6. Patrik

    GTA: San Andreas

    the game that never dies ! i've been playing its multiplayer mod since 2015, so cool and has lot of things that you discover day by day, the most popular game and the game that has a huge followersbase in the speedrunning communities
    1 point
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