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Games with happy endings?
StaceyPowers reacted to m76 for a topic
Tragic ending is one thing, but I take issue with endings that reveal all your efforts through the entire game as pointless. I literally can't name any game from recent times that has a completely flawless happy ending. There is always some tragedy involved. And older games I don't remember well enough if they had a truly happy ending or not.1 point -
Worst thing you ever did to someone in a game?
Withywarlock reacted to Patrik for a topic
Called the whole team to get in my car, there were around 7/8 guys on the car, some in the passengers seat, and some on the roof, then threw a grenade under the car, i expected them to rage because of that but it was hella funny xd1 point -
Most thankless jobs/roles in MMOs?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's true, as the newbie helper which I tend to be in most MMOs, I hang around the lower levels to ensure that higher leveled players don't terrorize them when they're just getting used to the game. I also help them out with quests they're struggling to compete if possible. It's very time-consuming, sometimes those newbies become very dependent on you for EVERYTHING and won't really try to improve their fighting skills and strategies to survive on their own. Some get stronger and start talking all kinds of smack to you when you were the one that basically allowed them to even get that far without being picked on. It's because I do have good tendencies why I even take on this role in the first place...1 point -
When followers teleport
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's the one feature I'd rather have in a game than have to be spending time looking for my follower. Some games have a spell of sorts to teleport your follower to you and in a magic based game, that'd be very lore-friendly. I think in other games they should incorporate in a very immersion friendly so it doesn't ruin the experience.1 point -
Gamestop vs family owned
killamch89 reacted to Empire for a topic
If I had a choice to go out and buy a game or whatever the case, no matter what I buy I always support the family-owned business and keep them going 🙂 Big main company has far more life and able to live, well maybe not after the covid. However digital downloads are killing them both. cheap, fast and get the game downloaded.1 point -
Will retro games be forgotten one day?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I hate it when this happens, but I have to agree with you. There are people who will never give up the systems they played as a child, and emulators aren't accepted. I'm one of them. It's the real thing or nothing with me. I would rather spend 2 hours fucking with my NES trying to get a game to run and have only 5 minutes of play before it glitches and refuses to run at all that day, than use an emulator and have zero issues. But there is hope. There are tons of retro clothing stores. Clothing styles of yesteryear are becoming popular again. I remember how we all dressed in the 80's. for little kids, if your shirt didn't have anything on the back, wearing it was social suicide. Unless you were EXTREMELY popular. Of which I was not. So when I see someone with an 80's style hairdo, clothes, and carrying a keytar, I always tell them "Rock On Dude!" and they usually know that I'm a child of the 80's as well. The best thing about that decade was that even us losers were cool. *sigh* I miss it.1 point -
Will Facebook ever make a game?
killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
It is a requirement to have a facebook account and login with it to use Oculus.1 point -
Favorite Fallout vaults?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'd say vault 76 because it was in the worst Fallout game created in history (not that I played it. I have standards you know). 😹1 point -
Will retro games be forgotten one day?
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
That's a very valid point. Well, we have gone mostly digital over the last decade so most kids born or growing up in this time period wouldn't really know. It's just like if you ask me about Atari consoles, I couldn't tell you anything because I never grew up playing them. In addition to that, most older games can be played through emulators so there's no real incentive for kids nowadays to know what the cartridge of old gen consoles look like. It is sad but one of the side effects of the evolution of gaming.1 point -
Rockstar should try their hand at an RPG
Withywarlock reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I wonder if they'd include carrying the "entertainers" to the most remote places of the kingdom to "mate" like in GTA 5 with the hookers.1 point -
Ever tried bidding on a really rare game on Ebay?
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Bots are a lot more common on Ebay nowadays so forget about winning any auctions...1 point -
Movies you wish were games
StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
@StaceyPowers mentioned a topic on racism in games, but I can't think of a game that targets racism specifically, let alone tackling it. But I think the movie Crash would be a good drama game where you have to make decisions, and most being related to prejudice and racism. In the movie there are multiple characters whose lives come crashing together that evolves around racism and prejudice.1 point -
Withywarlock reacted to Patrik for a topic
That's disrespect, you mentionned Karl Jobst without mentionning the popular "hello you absolute legends", how dare you !!1 point -
Gamestop vs family owned
killamch89 reacted to Kane99 for a topic
Usually the mom & pop shops have more games to choose from and often times cooler stuff. I wish there was more gaming stores around me. I think we still have a gamestop around here, but I think the other gaming stores have closed, or they're further away from where I live. 😞1 point -
KFC's KFConsole Is Real: Secret Ingredient Is Intel Silicon
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Yeah but we can all dream. Can't we? You know - that would make a good slogan actually.1 point -
What makes you abandon a quest?
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
To be honest, that's always been around in quite a few racing games since the original Gran Tourismo and it annoys the hell out of me to be honest. I mean I get it - the car will be extremely slow compared to the others but let me race in peace dammit!1 point -
Ever tried bidding on a really rare game on Ebay?
killamch89 reacted to AndreiMirfi for a topic
Sameeeeeeeeee1 point -
Do PS5 scalpers have any legitimate defense for their actions?
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
There are laws against scalping, but it mostly depends on the "when and where" you're doing it. You can't stand outside a sport stadium and sell scalp tickets. That can get you a night in jail and a fine. You can't stand outside an electronics or gaming store and sell PS5's all the same. But if you buy several and go to websites like CL to sell them, then there's nothing that can be done about that. It's a kind of "pick and choose" when it's to be called legal and illegal.1 point -
Do PS5 scalpers have any legitimate defense for their actions?
StaceyPowers reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I find it hard to believe that they can afford to spend ~£450 on a brand new video games console to resell and not make said ~£450 go far if they need it. I get it, 'supply and demand' and 'asset flipping' are all valid strategies of making more money in the system we live in, and I slow clappingly applaud them on the dubious honour of their bots winning the race to resell a popular item. I say hard to believe and not 'impossible' because there probably are one or two people who desperately need not just £450, but more than that going forward, and wouldn't do this if they could swallow their pride and do better. I'm sure one or two had resorted to selling furniture to no avail, relying on food banks, changing their phone's data plans or Hell, selling their current ones for an older model that can still support the internet for their job and to scalp. But not the hundreds or however many are doing this.1 point -
Cutest video games
StaceyPowers reacted to skyfire for a topic
Have you thought about cuteness in the horror games? In that case the little nightmares and the limbo are two good games. I think cuteness here is subjective in that case.1 point -
Which recorder you use for Game recording on PC?
killamch89 reacted to skyfire for a topic
I like the deals with lifetime license or one time payment sort of the deal. It's hard to find software with some of such payment plans lately, as everyone takes yearly fees.1 point -
Crushes on video game characters
StaceyPowers reacted to m76 for a topic
All the freaking time. OK, maybe not all the time, but more often than most people. And I'm not ashamed for it, to me this is a testament to well written characters. If my subconscious can't tell that they are fictional. The first time I remember this happening was with Mona Sax, from Max Payne 2. I know she was also in the first game, but wasn't as developed as a character there. Then there was Anna Grimsdottir from the Splinter Cell series. I know, minor character, but still something about the way she was teasing Sam. I didn't like her makeover in Conviction though. Next Madison Paige from Heavy Rain This one is a weird one. Because I was actually dating a girl at the time who had the same interests as Madison (motorcycles and photography), and even looked a bit like her. And, then there was Miranda Lawson from Mass Effect 2 / 3 I know she is not the most popular LI In the series, but to me her romance story was the most fulfilling in the game. And her character goes through the most development over the series, the rest doesn't really change. And finally after a long hiatus it happened again, with Abby from The Last of Us 2 That's why the end of the game literally crushed me.1 point -
Will retro games be forgotten one day?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Being a classic gamer, I can guarantee that as long as I can play, the old stuff will never be forgotten. I got my PhD in Console Emergency Surgery when I was 5. I know how to administer CPR to a Nintendo better than anyone. So I’m going to keep them all alive.1 point -
IGN's Game of the Year 2020
killamch89 reacted to Shole for a topic
I thought it was the other way around. Well it was def something not worth watching, I think gaming awards became to "political" and "Commercial". Same here. Agreed so much with this!1 point