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  1. Micah is a total dick in RDR2. He's always antagonizing Arthur. I wish I could attack gang members and just beat the ever living shit out of him, but unfortunately that's not something the scripted in the game.
    2 points
  2. That's short sighted. Computers have been used to develop games for decades, but people are far to quick to forget modern game development is far younger, and if it wasn't for the development of home console hardware within that time, PC Gaming as we know it, would simply wouldn't exist. But consoles play an even more important role than that. Let's be honest, PC gaming is expensive (and it is, I'm not prepared to debate that. I'll explain it, like I'm about too, but not debate it.) and it's expensive because hardware manufacturers have to make a hardware profit as they don't gain any sustainable income from software sales, and that's whare you make money in the gaming industry, now more than ever. Microtransactions, sales of games, DLC and subscriptions is whare the real money is made, and the company that made your PC's power supply or motherboard don't see a penny from that. That's why the console giants like Microsoft and Sony over the last 2-3 console generations can sell their hardware with barely breaking even, or sometimes even at a loss. Now, I know what some people may be thinking reading that, what has any of that got to do with my aforementioned "critical role" the consoles play in sustaining the gaming industry? Well, it's very simple. This helps keep gaming, both on console and PC, affordable, for both the consumer and industry by holding game development back. PC fanboys would undoubtedly challenge this compliment, but that the existence of consoles sustains the survival of thier platform more than any other factor, and that is the truth. Think about it, if the PC as a gaming platform was suddenly the only option, the plug that so many PC Fanboys claim hold back PC development would disappear. I not only don't deny that plug exists, I would go further as to say we all count on it. First off, computer hardware manufacturers make console components as well. For example, AMD may only make $100 or less from each sale of a PS5, but that's still $100 over what will likely be around 100,000,000 sales over the next 5-10 years. Getting that sustainable income is well worth it for these companies, especially when it is a sustainable percentage earned through contract. That helps keep these kind of companies successful, bringing me onto my next point. The simple statement that these companies cannot rely on PC hardware sales alone to remain sustainable. They would not be able to weather this by selling PC hardware alone because not every country and every economy can support enough households to buy this more expensive hardware, and even if they could, said households wouldn't necessarily be willing to by into PC gaming as it does have it's drawbacks. Lack of physical media, exclusive titles, consumer doupts over game ownership and not to mention the higher up-front cost. That shrinks the market for video game hardware, and thus, software. So, what would the industry have to do? Raise prices for software (and possibly hardware) even more, shrinking an already shrunk market. This escalating cost of gaming would not stop because that aforementioned plug on the cost of game development, the console, would be gone. There is an elitist and sadly loud attitude shared by PC gaming community that would demand games that ever justify the increased (and increasing) cost of thier hardware, third party games (and it would only be third party games) would have to get more expensive to own through even higher prices and/or even more bullshit monotisation because of a higher cost in game development. I'd predict that the entire gaming industry would become to expensive for all concerned and it would all basically collapse. And all for this for fanboy nonsense and a vain demand for graphics that are already hitting a glass ceiling that more and more power is going to improve less and less? That's why I hate fanboyisum, especially on PC. If thier arrogance, ignorance and short sighted stupidy was followed, it can only end badly. I genuinely believe that consoles play an important part in keeping gaming sustainable and affordable for all of us.
    2 points
  3. With the big modding community that exists for PC I don't think they will take away that, but for everything else it's debatable. Depends how the xbox sales go I think, if they sell good, they can get more by making that an exclusive. But then again they would lose out on the PS5 market...it's hard to calculate, but I think the most likely thing will be that they will publish it for everythin.
    1 point
  4. The Brotherhood of Steel in just about all installments of the Fallout series. I have to agree with Mr. House's summary of them: "...they're ridiculous. They gallavant around the Movaje pretending to be knights of yore. Or did, until the NCR showed them that ideological purity and shiny power armour don't count for much when you're outnumbered fifteen to one. The world has no use for emotionally unstable technofetishists." While I get that if they weren't so rigid with their recruitment and use of technology they'd be incredibly more powerful (and in being so, completely uninteresting), this applies to all the other factions, a lot of which having come from less and changing so much in their lifetimes. I'd hate the Enclave more if anything practical remained of them, as they were eugenicists who believed anything exposed to radiation was as mutant as the FEV-riddled Super Mutants.
    1 point
  5. Shagger

    8K Screen Resolution

    Agreed, TV manufacturers jumped the gun. It's the only way they could justify selling that crap at the prices they do.
    1 point
  6. I agree to some extent. It's a good strategy to play it safe, but a lot of people like to get kills and pad their stats. I've seen people camp and hide, but the majority of the time, they're noobs like myself, or aren't very good at the game to begin with. The good players utilize building and shooting and make it work almost seamlessly sometimes. It's crazy how good some players can be at Fortnite.
    1 point
  7. I think times are changing, where gamers are finally taking notice. It may still be a slow process, but gamers are going to vote with their wallets I hope, and eventually we'll start to see more backlash for problems like what we're seeing with Cyberpunk 2077. It helps that these companies are making it so easy for us to hate on them too, and soon enough, no company will be able to get away form this type of mess. Actually, I'd say that time is now with Cyberpunk, as I think it's people have been most vocal with its problems than any other game in recent memory. Plus with the addition of problems back to Fallout 76, or Mass Effect Andromeda. People are increasingly taking notice, and things I think are going to start to change.
    1 point
  8. killamch89

    Pineapple On Pizza

    I'm a chicken pizza kind of guy but back in the day I loved the meatlovers pizza when I ate almost every kind of meat.
    1 point
  9. Patrik

    8K Screen Resolution

    If you are buying them for a console, i would say they aren't worth it, as no console is capable of performing well at the resolution, even current top end PC's can't do that (upscaled 8K's performance isn't same as Native 8K performance)
    1 point
  10. I think it is dope on the switch, best for consoles for sure, but you can't top the modding of the PC version. You can even become the high king with a mod, so I am all down for the PC version.
    1 point
  11. Indeed when you live in rented and shared places, then best option is laptop. In fact when in shared scenario it is better not to keep the laptop with you.
    1 point
  12. Mortal Kombat seems to be the universal vote here. It was hilarious the protest of a certain group to the violence of Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat to me at least, wasn't even the most violent game at the time either.
    1 point
  13. I've never heard of "claw technique" so I assume I'm a "thumbs on the button" type of gamer. Can you describe both so I know if I'm right or not?
    1 point
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