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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2021 in all areas

  1. I don't have any gaming merch any more, as I find it tacky unless the entire room makes it work. Mine doesn't. Instead, my gaming space is set up as an altar of sorts; skulls (and skull accessories), incense and no small amount of wires sprawled across the place give it an air of a particular Black Sabbath song. I call my gaming space "Computershrine", which I like to draw upon while writing works for my fictional setting of Techropolis.
    2 points
  2. This is the best thing I can think of to do. Maybe developers will take notice. Maybe not. But if we can get this spread around the internet, it can't hurt. http://chng.it/rGPvhxB82G
    1 point
  3. Shole

    Killed in a cutscene

    God that sounds like a horrible bug. But sometimes it is funny you are just standing there waiting for it to get over and something just comes out and kills you while the npc is talking normally XD
    1 point
  4. DC

    Milestone Thread

    VGR just surpassed 53,000 forum posts!
    1 point
  5. Is the song from Dehumanizer?
    1 point
  6. In game? Not much as I always had to play alone due to not having any friends to game with. But there was one time that I almost put someone in the hospital. I was talking about a game I liked that he didn't. He took it as a personal attack and picked a fight. He swung at me, I dodged it, grabbed a brick, and smashed it on his head. Why he felt ok picking a fight with a girl over a video game, I'll never know.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
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