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  1. The fear factor isn't gonna stand up to some in the horror genre, but its surprising element that makes it unique is its plain craziness. It's a constant progression of a psychological breakdown. The game really is a treasure. And so far Inheritance has a wow factor too. I got the digital bundle for cheap a couple months ago. Not sure where the price is at now, but getting a disc is expensive from what I've seen. And there is an Oculus virtual reality version of Layers of Fear if you got one. I'm gonna have to watch it!
    1 point
  2. On the contrary. You can fanboi all day long about New Vegas around me. Even with game-breaking bugs, I adore it. I wouldn't keep playing it over and over while it breaks if I didn't. I'm on my first playthrough of Oblivion 🙂
    1 point
  3. @Patrik You're good. If the tables were turned, I would assume the same thing.
    1 point
  4. Ave To somewhat quote @Shagger, anyone who is into FF8 is a friend to me. I'm a FF8 nut and have been playing it for over 20 years. I know what spells to junction to make my characters virtually invincible. That usually doesn't come until the disc 3 era though. I've played it so many times that now I find disc 4 extremely boring. But if you ever have any questions I can help out. How far into it are you? What GF's do you have?
    1 point
  5. It's not an addiction, it's a lack of options. I'm stuck in a wheelchair because I'm disabled and unable to work a job, so I draw disability. That in and of itself leaves me with the entire day to try to fill. Hence, I play video games more now than I used to. At this moment, I'm completely burned out on gaming. It doesn't matter in the least what the game or platform is, I don't want to play it. I'll get back to my old self in a few days, maybe a week or two. But when your entire day is nothing but empty time, you look for things to do to occupy that time. If I feel the itch, I'll get back to writing. Maybe I can finally fix my first novel, or just write a few new shorts. Most likely though, I'll just be bored as hell and not want to do much of anything. This is not a life worth living. But I would rather be the thorn in the worlds side than give it peace.
    1 point
  6. A very warm welcome to VGR. Anyone who lists FFX as one of their favourite games is a friend of mine right away. Very glad to have you here. If there's anything you help with or if you have questions please let me know.
    1 point
  7. Probably Fallout 4. Fallout New Vegas was actually the better game, but it has an absurdly low level cap. Once I'd hit the level cap halfway through my playthrough with ten sidequests still to do, it kind of took the fun out of playing it. At least Fallout 4 let me level up forever.
    1 point
  8. Kane99

    Killed in a cutscene

    I can't say I remember being killed many times in any cutscenes. I think maybe the closest I can think, is when I get attacked in mid conversation, like in Fallout 4 or Cyberpunk 2077. Also, this has nothing to do with the topic, but it got me thinking about Assassin's Creed and how when you assassinate a main target, it shows a cutscene of you killing that person and speaking to them. Which always kind of took me out of the game, because sometimes when you do an assassination, you're surrounded by other enemies, and it just stops it all. idk, weird thing to bring up, but it reminded me of that lol.
    1 point
  9. The family atmosphere in RDR2. Something that didn’t exist for me growing up.
    1 point
  10. Because that's what @Reality vs Adventure does. In the most endearing way.
    1 point
  11. Patrik

    Killed in a cutscene

    In GTA, there are are lot of trainers that gives you the ability to move during cutscenes, but when you die, it won't be considered until the cutscene ends, still pretty fun to troll during cutscenes tho xD
    1 point
  12. Shole

    Killed in a cutscene

    God that sounds like a horrible bug. But sometimes it is funny you are just standing there waiting for it to get over and something just comes out and kills you while the npc is talking normally XD
    1 point
  13. Why can't the world have anything nice due to somebody's stupidity? This new PS2 themed PS5 sold out almost immediately of course, but mere hours later the company behind it cancelled all the orders and are not proceeding with project due to "credible threats" to their safety. Beit disgruntled customers who missed our whoever it was, this is now not happening. I am so sick of idiots who seems to bulling and threatening people is an acceptable way to behave. An article from tech radar.
    1 point
  14. It is happening and we all know this will happen at some point. A guy who runs 3 game shops, selling mostly Retro, and he bought a thousand CyberPunk copies for each of his stores in the hopes it would make his store profits for the end of the year. He has had to give refunds and has thousands of copies he bought he is stuck with. Multiply his plight times every retailer who is experiencing this and you can see that CD Projekt Red is toast. You have injured parties everywhere. HAHA- Funny how all the YouTubers that got early access said this was such a good game before it came out lol
    1 point
  15. You don't see a whole lot of video game stories feature a romantic love build. Most couples are already together at the start. Final Fantasy X was also the first thought that came to my mind. The slow burn between the two in that game was done so amazingly well. From painful introductions to the awkward tension breaking scenes like that laugh. The scene in the forest lake, the 'wedding' and reactions to it, it all just flows so well together.
    1 point
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