So I'm basically venting my frustration here because I have nobody to really talk to about it in real life. I always say that I don't really have any friends, but I actually do have one, but one who I can only tolerate in small doses. The thing is, she has major anxiety problems (a thing she can't be faulted for), and I guess this carries over into the video game playing experience. The thing is, I've dealt with people of this sort before, who get SO angry when bad things happen (i.e. they die a lot) in a video game and instead of acknowledging that maybe they just need more practice, they start complaining that the game is badly designed, is bad, unfair, too hard, or some other variation/combination of these things. Or even instead of acknowledging anything at all, just remaining calm and not getting very visibly and audibly frustrated in my presence. It really makes me extremely uncomfortable, and takes all the fun out of playing a game together for me. I mean, the whole point of a game is to have fun, but with this kind of person, when they get like that, no matter how much you tell them to calm down and just relax and don't worry about how well you're performing, they just can't do it; they must continually yell at the game and complain about why its unfair and how "this shouldn't be this way" or "that shouldn't be that way" and inevitably, "I can't play this game anymore." *sigh*
She's a huge Zelda fan, and she was having one of her fits while we were playing this other game, when she started talking about how this reminded her of the problem she had with Zelda a Link to the Past; that its way too hard because enemies knock you like halfway across the screen when they hit you and you fall and die (her words, not mine). I tried to say that its only seems very difficult because she's not used to that style of game, (because she really isn't. She grew up on Gamecube and stuff after that, and has very little experience playing 2D games), but she -insists- that its a design flaw and a problem with the game, to which I could only try to hide my frustration. All I could really say was that "there's nothing wrong with the game, you're just not good enough." Admittedly not the best choice of words, but if I had said, "there's nothing wrong with the game, you just need more practice is all." (which is what I really should have said), it would have basically conveyed the same message. Anyway, I guess that's the end of my rant. Sorry for subjecting you all to this.