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  1. I know exactly what you're talking about. More often than not, I'm thinking about CTB. Obviously I haven't done it. Yet. When I get into that state of mind though, I don't want to do anything.
    2 points
  2. Hi there! I've been lurking and trying to find a fun game site, and heh, this one came up. I clicked without knowing what I was looking at, but when I saw someone had linked a teaser of a game where you're literally Jesus, I knew I was in the right place. =D
    1 point
  3. Nice review! Although you should of had a bottle of booze, and should I say it? Yes, a parrot. LOL. I love the machete he uses! Brings a more raw hatred rather than an elegant sword. Much of the environment looks the same, but seems worth playing. Cool he gets a ship, cause in Black Flag I remember a scene where Kenway and Adewale both captured the ship and it was up for debate who is captain and they agreed the pirates wouldn't follow a black captain. But now he is one. I still have a little ways to go in Black Flag, then I'll get this DLC. It's $10 right now. Hopefully when I'm ready it will be $0. Or I will take it! Arrr
    1 point
  4. The Game Boy came out back in 1989 and it's getting a new game 31 or so years later. The game is called Shapeshifter, and it's about a boy who gets powers at night where he can change into an animal just by touching it. But once morning rolls around, you go back to normal. The game was funded through kickstarter. It looks pretty interesting, and they're releasing it in ROM and Physical form. You can check a demo of the game below. And you can find more details in this article - The Gamer and you can buy the game here - https://greenboygames.com/
    1 point
  5. That's more what I was meaning. I should have explained better. Games with religion that are pushing an agenda. Like trying to force conversions. Or some other bullshit. Sometimes I leave out crucial information to make my argument. Psychological issues, and brain damage from a number of things makes a hell of an impact. But either way, I'm still a bitch. I have to argue against number one. Sure life like graphics are great and often make the game. Imagine RDR2 with SNES era graphics. But some games should keep the old graphics. We have games like Cuphead, Blasphemous, Shalnor Legends, Snake Pass, and many others that are super popular. What are your thoughts there, if you don't mind me asking? With 2 and 3, I agree 100%. You hit the nail on the head and drove it in with one strike.
    1 point
  6. I have, and reviewed it for Downloadable Discontent. I thought it was OK, and the progenitor for the later Origins-style of games with how different some gameplay elements are. I suppose it'll do in a jiffy if you need me ACIV:BF. ^^
    1 point
  7. You can find someone to do it for you, but will you find someone who's gonna spam "get rekt" after killing people? 😞
    1 point
  8. Only when i'm having compulsive thoughts about a certain thing, because it literally destroys my mood and makes me not willing to do anything but thinking about it...
    1 point
  9. If the passengers are the ones who're playing, then it shouldn't be a big deal, but there some few things that might make it dangerous, sometimes the driver might want to do a sneak peek or sometimes passengers pay attention to something in the road that the driver might not pay attention to
    1 point
  10. In all honesty, I would have to give a lot of my favorites this nomination. So many games from the old systems open up really boring. It's hard to even get into them at all. But if you can push through the first hour or so then the game gets to be something you enjoy the hell out of. FF8 is a great example of this
    1 point
  11. I will confess, and should've mentioned this in the previous post you're referring to, the Special Edition does wonders for colour palette. The sky is a nice deep blue, the trees and leaves and grass are all brought out and the clothing is somewhat more striking. It's just that in the original game the low contrast brought down the mood of the game, which wasn't low in really any sense so it was just this strange juxtaposition. While mods allow for such things to be resolved I still don't understand how Bethesda went from the grey Arena to bright Daggerfall, to sometimes colourful Battlespire, to the clownshoes Redguard, to brown Morrowind, to the exploded paint factory Oblivion, ending on Sludgeville, USA otherwise known as Skyrim. Maybe a significant portion of their ~400 employees consist of dogs who can't see many colours? That might also explain the bugs.
    1 point
  12. I like with the GTA games that you could play golf, and do other things. I played a fair amount of the B-ball game in San Andreas. And I did golf and tennis in V a lot with friends. Darts as well and a few other things. That's where GTA online shines, the activities you can do with friends adds a lot of fun.
    1 point
  13. Some sports can be used with the VR and other means. And also the driving simulation is possible with the game and can be used for license exams.
    1 point
  14. Sooner or later people have to learn that just because you're new, does not mean you're special. Experience is the hardest teacher. It gives the test first and the lesson second.
    1 point
  15. I think weekend these days are more or less stressed for me. Lot of things come out on me and it becomes harder to handle.
    1 point
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