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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2021 in all areas

  1. Even so, end of the day PC has come a very long way and most PC can handle it even if it's too much on the system. If you where to game heavy on a 20 year old PC then you are crazy. They have safety corridors built-in 🙂 If the CPU overheats too much your CPU fun will spine faster and soon enough your PC willfully go off. Won't get fired bang or catch on fire, just goes off and your screen goes black. Just turn it on again and loads up. Did that once, installed my CPU and then turn it on without the cooler, lasted 30secs before it went off again. Same with the CPU cooler powered up connected but CPU heated up so fast it shuts off.
    1 point
  2. Short answer: NO There were segments in Beyond Two Souls, that could've easily been made like a regular action game, but it was still implemented as a qte infested mess. Don't get me wrong, I love Quantic games stories and characters, but absolutely hate the way the games play. Although there is some improvement. Heavy Rain was fully QTE driven, Beyond was a bit less heavy on them, and Detroit had very few actual QTEs that would be annoying. It was more based on actual wilful choices than reflexes. I think Detroit would've worked all the same on an emotional level if it was more open world. It doesn't need to be this restrictive. I don't know if they are incapable or uninterested in making their games feel like actual games instead of interactive movies.
    1 point
  3. Withywarlock

    Placer Racer

    I never knew the name of this genre, which is a shame because I do so enjoy it. Thanks for reminding me what it was, I hope to achieve the same score as yourself!
    1 point
  4. For me, it was probably gaming in the late 90s. That's when I started to take gaming really seriously. I had my NES and Genesis in the 90s, but once I got my hand on the PS1, is when I started to game a lot more. I think the 90s overall had the best time in gaming. But the PS2/Xbox era is also up there. I would say NES, but I started playing it later in its life cycle. But I still have fond memories there too. But I'd include it all in the 90s for me.
    1 point
  5. Right now they're banking on 3rd party support to help them recover. They're trying to get more people to make games for their platform, but that's easier said than done. It would be nice if more studios ported their games over, but also priced them a bit more fairly. I don't want to pay full price for a 2-3 year old games. Once they start to figure pricing, they have a chance. But even so, internet providers need to get better before it is fully supported. Because I don't think we're full on ready for game streaming anyway.
    1 point
  6. Empire

    Placer Racer

    I never played Placer Racer 😞 Shocking right, well it's true I never had a copy or played the game. Getting to level 41 is a achievement 🙂 @Family sedan in fact what's the highest level that people can get? over 100 or more, I do not know!
    1 point
  7. @Kane99. This is a stupid topic. Syntax is right, you may as well ask why more games don't feature the Easter Bunny. You knew the answer before you even asked the question.
    0 points
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