Something I find fascinating is that when Adolf was Putin office, his klan was constantly calling the true Americans things such as snowflake, butt-hurt, whiny, and cry babies. Yet I don't recall s single terrorist attack from us to try to overturn the election. Sure there were mass protests, but we didn't storm the capitol and cost people their lives. We didn't make terroristic threats. We didn't form a cult called Qanon (seems suspiciously similar to Ganon doesn't it) to try to whip their mindless drones into a frenzy ready to attack at a moments notice, or completely without notice.
We kept our manners and accepted 4 years of an American Holocaust, until the 2020 election. Then we ousted the little crybaby, aka Diaper Don, who didn't even have the grace to attend the inauguration, and keep the tradition of a meeting to pass the torch to the next president. Also the previous 3 presidents all secured a second term. Clinton, Bush, and the greatest President in American history, President Obama. That's 24 years occupied by only three presidents. If none had been elected to a second term it would have been six. Even though Bush was dumb as a rock, and threw us into the worst recession since 1929, he still got a second term. What's that tell you?