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Underrated games when it comes to difficulty
Family sedan reacted to Patrik for a topic
I never thought that Hitman Blood Money would be so freaking hard even on the easy mode, like OMG, how i'm supposed to know i should wait for the guard for couple of minutes in a closet to get in the room to replace his gun with a real one to kill another guy in the teather! But i still love the game hehe1 point -
Video game characters with unique outlooks?
Withywarlock reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
Who are some video game characters who have unique and interesting outlooks/philosophies/perceptions of life? The first that comes to mind for me is Legion in Mass Effect 2.1 point -
1 point
Some things in TLOU HBO show will “deviate greatly”
Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
How is divisive stories self-serving? You could have a divisive story and be completely neutral to either side, but produce the story just for the sake of entertainment, or just for the sake to cause a splash. Making money is self serving regardless.1 point -
Most Creative Music Videos Ever
killamch89 reacted to gordon for a topic
Whoa, yes, it looks amazing1 point -
Some things in TLOU HBO show will “deviate greatly”
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
So he wrote a story that's morally grey and open to interpretation knowing it would divide opinion to feed his ego? Wow, did I get that wrong! All this time I thought he was writing a tragic story for adults with a complex, challenging take on morals and emotional trauma and not children that needing to be taught the very basics of right and wrong and where everything is happy clappy. Man, was I silly.1 point -
Educational Mario games
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I didn't know Mario's Time Machine was an educational game. As they say, you learn something new everyday. BTW, based on some of the lists I've seen, most of these games are ranked as the worse Mario games.1 point -
I think that would be good business to give free DLC after everything considered. But first priority should be the fixes. See how that pans out. Because if they can't get it functional on all systems, then who will even want DLC anyways? And I hope the free DLC will be permanently free and not force everyone to download a broken game, then download a bunch of DLC and have it sit there for a year till its playable. Cause I probably won't download my game till Christmas and pretend it's a new gift. And I would want that free DLC then. If I miss out I will burn the game.1 point
Do you have kids?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
5 dogs 9 rats 2 birds 2 dragons 18 kids in total, but my niece claimed one of the dragons, and I’m trying to find a good home for the other one. So it will be 16 soon.1 point -
What kind of telescope do you own?
ZandraJoi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Mine is a bit smaller than yours. It’s a Celestron NexStar 5se. I have no issues with it, and can see nebulae in detail, as well as our solar system. I can track exoplanets well with it. I’ve watched a couple minor asteroid collisions. They weren’t anything big or uncommon. It was in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. So it was just a days work in the belt. I’m looking for a good solar filter to study the sun, but I’m not in any kind of rush. My favorite nebula is The Pillars Of Creation. If you can’t tell, I love astronomy. I always have. When I was a kid, there were often meteor showers in the summer. Most were roughly around 3:00AM, so I would set my alarm to wake me up to watch and then I would fall asleep in the yard watching the shower. Something related to astronomy that is number one on my bucket list is a trip to the arctic circle, (north Alaska most likely) so I can see the northern lights.1 point -
Some things in TLOU HBO show will “deviate greatly”
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
Don't get me wrong, I get the idea of a writer and/or director taking more value with the audience knowing it's their story over simply serving the story itself. I'd call out M Night Shamalan to a prime example of that, but in what is Neil Druckman in that category? I personally find his writing more subtle and in service to the plot.1 point -
Alien TV
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
So are these typical aliens or humans colonized in space but returning to Earth some time after?1 point -
How Often Do You Stock Up On Snacks?
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I live in Jamaica and unfortunately, the prices of organic stuff here are like 2-3X what regular processed food cost. I at least try to buy fruits and vegetables but I don't think I could afford a full vegan lifestyle. Well I could, but that would come at the cost of maintaining other areas of my life.1 point -
Do you have kids?
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I have 3 dogs and a stray cat that uses my yard as a pregnancy ward. No seriously, she keeps sneaking onto my premises to have her kittens and then knocks on my window for food lol.1 point -
Relaxing Situations
ZandraJoi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I agree - I love going for nature walks with my dogs. It's very good for mind, soul and body - in addition to that, my dogs love it as well. There's a big rock in the woods near where I live and I do go there to meditate at least twice a week.1 point -
Video game characters with unique outlooks?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
So true. Reflection and self-awareness are some of the key components to making healthy decisions. The one saying that always came back to me when Walker said " I didn't mean to hurt anyone." was the road to hell is paved with good intentions.1 point -
Has anyone here ever been a game admin?
StaceyPowers reacted to Patrik for a topic
not only that, but those servers owners don't appreciate the effort you are spending and act like d*cks to you later after resigning, so it's not really worth it1 point -
Do you like all surfaces to be climbable?
StaceyPowers reacted to m76 for a topic
I wish there were no artificial barriers in open world games, but also wish scaling natural obstacles should be more realistic. Even games like Tomb Raider do it wrong, because they only make ledges climbambe that you are supposed to climb. I think you should be able to climb any rock wall. it would be much more fun to find your own route to the top of the cliff instead of trying to guess the level designer's preferred route.1 point -
Why is there so much hate for BioShock Infinite?
StaceyPowers reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
I'll admit I didn't 'get' BioShock Infinite. Just everything about it. I was too young and dumb to really appreciate its storytelling and messages, and focussed more on the decent combat. But I don't see much hate for it, at least not since about ~2020 when people had more time to catch up on games they'd not yet played. It was an absolute blast at the time though, and the shockwave of its fandom was on going for years afterwards, so it must've done something right. Or perhaps like me they didn't get it until now. /shrug.1 point -
Do you like all surfaces to be climbable?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
For the longest time, I've always wanted a climbing mechanic in Elder Scroll/ Fallout games. It is so unimmersive to be constantly hopping around trying to get up a mountain. It just looks like my character is having a seizure.1 point -
Why is there so much hate for BioShock Infinite?
StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger for a topic
I feel a lot of haters of Bioshock Infinite don't like the game because they don't want to admit how the feel about the game's strong message regarding prejudice, race and discrimination. You know, the kind of people who always say "keep politics out of games" when most creative fiction of any medium that's worth a damb has social and/or political overtones. In other words, they're cowardly hypocrites unwilling to admit they're uncomfortable being confronted by these issues because deep down they know they're part of the very problem the game (or whatever media it is) is making a statement against. I will admit the message wasn't exactly subtlety presented, but it wasn't wrong and it made its point. I wouldn't know, but I've also heard it's a bit different from the other Bioshock games. In what way specifically, once again, I'm not the one to ask.1 point -
What it’s like to be a video game voice actor
AndreiMirfi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I do a lot of voice acting for the crew I'm with. They like the way I sound and the commanding tone I have. Our games that we come up with are just for us and friends/family. But while I'm a "thinker" I'm also a voice actress on occasion.1 point -
What it’s like to be a video game voice actor
AndreiMirfi reacted to Patrik for a topic
If the voice actor is familar with the character he's going to play the voice for, then the result would surely be epic, some does it for money and some does it because they are actors already, based on what i watched and read, not everyone is satisfied with it, especially once the game gets popular (like what happened to lot of voice actors in Rockstar Games)1 point -
What social medias do you use?
killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Facebook is nosey Twitter is hair salon gossip Youtube is for fun Instagram is for work Humans like to feel important. But at the end of the day, nobody really cared. 😫1 point -
What social medias do you use?
AndreiMirfi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I have a channel on YouTube, but I only have 2 videos on it. They're not game related, but they're up.1 point -
Favourite streaming service?
AndreiMirfi reacted to ZandraJoi for a topic
We just have Netflix. We recently dropped the DVD portion as they didn’t have enough of what we wanted. Didn’t save us much money but it’s something. We’ve had it for years & is the only streaming service we’ve tried. I have however researched some alternatives out there i.e. Hulu.1 point -
Video games with fast beginnings
AndreiMirfi reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It always starts out with a police chase or some kind of race where the police are in pursuit of you. I always wonder how comes so many characters can end up in the same situation lol.1 point -
What social medias do you use?
AndreiMirfi reacted to michaelwilson for a topic
Instagram, Facebook, Telegram.1 point -
What social medias do you use?
AndreiMirfi reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I’m all over YouTube. I actually have 2 channels. One though is something that I only share with select people. The other only has 2 videos on it. So I would count YouTube.1 point