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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/13/2021 in all areas

  1. I was actually wondering why is it still called GTA (Grand Theft Auto) even if it's not really based on stealing cars, the game series got this name because that's what it was supposed to be based on, but due to some bug, the game took another path to what we see it on these days, but the name was never changed (except that it was called Race n' Chace before GTA). Do you think that any of the current existing games/series have a name that don't really fit with it?
    1 point
  2. Wow, this announcement is ... bizarre to me, lol. I'm not sure what to say. This seems superfluous and pointless to me, but as someone who hasn't yet touched a PS4, much less a PS5, I don't really know if I can comment on it. The story, the dialogue, the exposition, the acting ... all are pristine to me. But could gameplay, graphics, and environments be improved? I guess I could potentially see the use for something that is more than a remaster and less than a remake, if that makes sense.
    1 point
  3. I do the same thing a lot. Some games just get boring after a while, no matter how much you love it, if you stick to the path they have laid out for the main story. So I go off and do dishonorable and irrational things just to mix it up. I gotta say it adds a bit of excitement. Until there's something you need to to in that area and you can't get to it because the bounty hunters literally don't stop coming and you run out of ammo killing them. If you don't have a lightning fast horse, you can't get away either. As for what was on the list, the only one I was familiar with was Wirt. But the narrator got it a bit wrong. Sure he's a greedy little prick, but he charges 100 gold to look, not 50. Unless I got a different copy.
    1 point
  4. killamch89

    Last Game Played

    Alien Isolation and finally finished RE 7
    1 point
  5. You know what's funny? I'd make some of these irrational choices due to curiosity to see where the story heads. In video games, I tend to dislike going with the normal narrative because it's just so boring lol
    1 point
  6. I didn't accept the money for Ciri. I remember the look on her face, and I couldn't do it. It wouldn't have mattered I don't think. If you reject the money there is supposed to be a new horse you get, but I never seen it. Just for conscious and because she is a freaking beauty you don't want to piss off, reject the money. But it's money!!! You could take it to the brothel 100 times. If you explore a lot you can easily make up the money if you reject it. Funny how we still can stick to a moral compass even in a video game. Sleep with Morinth in Mass Effect 2? I haven't reached that point yet, but will have to remember not to. Or should I? 👀
    1 point
  7. I actually heard about this a couple of days ago. I would have stated a thread myself, but wanted to wait for more validity to the rumour. Now, you won't find very many people who love this franchise more than me, but even I can't get behind this at all. This is a complete waste of time, effort and cash, however little of those things it would actually take to pull this off. I don't think a sequel to Days Gone would have made me any happier as I didn't actually enjoy that game very much, but it would be easier to justify. I see this as an attempt to strike the hot pan close to the release of the upcoming TV show and that's about it. I hope they don't do it, but Sony are making more than thier fair share of bad decisions as of late, so we shouldn't be surprised. @The Blackangel The PS4 version of the game is a remaster already, just another reason why this rumoured PS5 version should not exist.
    1 point
  8. You still steal more cars in gta than in any other game. So I think the name fits very well. When I think about weird names, I think about series like Star Wars Dark Forces, Star Wars Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight, which would make the third game called Star Wars Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast LOL
    1 point
  9. I just love the milk carton in this vid. The song rocks, too!
    1 point
  10. killamch89

    Last Game Played

    RE: 2 Remake
    1 point
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