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Politics vs. creative freedom
m76 and one other reacted to killamch89 for a topic
When using a video game to push a real world political agenda like Fortnite did, it has no place because 1) most of the people who play these games typically use them to get away from stuff like this 2) Videogames are supposed to be fun and there's nothing fun about a political agenda-driven that's imposing its beliefs on its players. 3) It isn't part of the story or theme of the game and when you just suddenly start pushing it, it becomes bothersome. This is the mistake that Battlefield 5 made and it flopped horrendously. Videogames were based on creativity at least back in the days but most modern videogames lack exactly that - Having said that, I do support "creative" freedom over politics.2 points -
The Chronicles Of Riddick
killamch89 reacted to m76 for a topic
I loved this game, the hacks at machinegames actually stole every good idea they put in wolfenstein the new order from this game. Some of the peps at machinegames used to work at Starbreeze studio that developed this game. It was actually a very faithful adaptation, it is a prequel to Pitch Black telling the story of how riddick got his eyes and how he escaped from the most secure prison ever.1 point -
Politics vs. creative freedom
killamch89 reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Some things aren’t meant to be political but made political by people who threaten human rights. That guise is used to abuse creative freedom or freedom of speech. Sad thing is, if you try to stop the bad from filtering in games, or any media/entertainment, then you risk encroaching those rights. But if it’s something that has nothing to do with threatening the right to life and prosperity, then be as creative as you want. That is very true I agree, but I'm gonna nitpick a little bit because BLM is not political. It is a human rights issue made political by people who oppose them. I know you didn't mention anything except it shouldn't be a banner in a menu. What about Covid? What if that health issue was a banner in a game menu. Would it be accepted then? Because that public health issue has been made political by the crazies also. Should that health awareness be placed in a menu? Should a breast cancer awareness ribbon be put in a menu? Couldn't agree more. I read a lot and whenever I am interested in a book I always have to read reviews to find out if the author turns politically biased of the opposing field halfway through. That would piss me off. And it is pretty common in books, way more than video games.1 point -
Politics vs. creative freedom
killamch89 reacted to m76 for a topic
Of course I'm not saying that they should not be allowed to do it. They can do whatever they wish, just don't paint me as the bad guy if I say I'm not buying that product then. The political agendas in games are almost always related to daily US politics. Since I'm not from the united states I have no stake in it. I don't want neo-liberal, nor alt-right agendas pushed in my entertainment. It's not my fault that 99.9% of the time the agenda falls on the regressive liberal side. If they were pushing conservative agendas I'd be equally upset about it. There should be no your politics or my politics in games to begin with. The only politics in games should be the politics of the fictional universe it is set in. If they can fit real world political themes into the fictional universe seamlessly that's all and good. But putting up BLM banners in the game's menu is not. If the developers were putting up pro life or pro-religion banners that would bother me equally. But that's exactly the problem. Attempting social or political commentary that does not fit within the game's theme is what antagonizes people. Including me. They know most gamers are not interested in that agenda, yet they push it anyway. They also disregard that a game is a worldwide platform, so the majority of their audience has absolutely no interest in it.1 point -
New Zealand music...
Knight Plug reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'm from Jamaica so I wouldn't really know either lol.1 point -
What video game armor would you wear into battle?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I'd go with the Daedric Armor just because it looks very intimidating. They'd think I'm some kind of monster instead of a regular mortal.1 point -
Politics vs. creative freedom
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Fuck it all. There is always going to be some form of "politics" in every game. It doesn't matter what it is. It may show politics from 1000 years ago, or it may be the Queen vs the US President. They're all political in some way.1 point -
Do you have any video game art books?
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Zelda. It contains all the art concepts from the original Zelda on NES, all the way through BOTW2. And the damn book weighs about a billion pounds too.1 point -
What video game armor would you wear into battle?
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I would just go with a good solid leather armor. It's lightweight, and protects from almost anything.1 point -
What is the appeal of the Switch?
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
It's portable and a lot more powerful. I use the Switch Lite. It doesn't dock like the original Switch, but it's a lot more stable. And if I don't want to play a game, I can watch Hulu or Netflix on it. The Switch Lite supports microSD cards that I haven't seen a Switch able to handle. For example I have a 512g in my Lite and about 100 DDL's on it. I also have about 30 carts that I play on it as well. No memory issues and they all run smooth as greased owl shit. The Switch can't support a cart that big. If I had $500 to spare I would buy a 1Tb card to put in it, but I can't afford that. The Switch/Lite is a superior gaming device. It does lack a few titles for whatever reason, but otherwise, it's more than worth getting. Especially for you Skyrim nuts. You can take the game with you so that when you're not home and you start jonesing you can grab your Switch and get your fix. The Witcher 3 is on it as well, for those of you that are all about that game.1 point -
When are you willing to let a character you like die?
killamch89 reacted to m76 for a topic
I'd do anything to save a beloved character as long as it does not involve the deaths of hapless innocents. But games rarely give you this choice. The only case I can think of is in Splinter Cell Double Agent, where saving a character is only possible by letting a terrorist attack go through unimpeded.1 point -
Brexit: A force for change or divide?
killamch89 reacted to m76 for a topic
The EU is just a bunch of bureaucrats playing at running the world, they have no real power. It's a sunday club for EU politicians, where they get together and frown at each other. No real change comes from the EU. Every member state has it's own separate systems for everything. Regardless of that there are good things that come out of the EU, like free trade. Getting cut off from that will be a blow to the UK economy. I used to order a lot of stuff from the UK personally. But if I have to pay taxes and customs from now on I'll simply take my money elsewhere. Same goes for travel. Rolling obstacles in front of that (beyond that of the obvious) can only negatively affect tourism for the UK.1 point -
Right to freedom of speech.
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Free speech is a thing of the past. We had it once, but now everyone is so pussy whipped and sensitive, that we can barely say we even have an opinion without people screaming at us. It doesn't matter what the opinion is or even relates to. I like tacos. There's some little bitch out there that will call me racist and that I can't eat tacos because I'm not Hispanic, I'm white. Hell I got blamed for something I didn't even do recently. Someone had painted the word "Lost" on a trump sign. I couldn't read it from where I was at the gas station so I drove over to it. It was apparently spray paint which is sloppy as hell. When I got back in my car, some asshole blocked me, told me he saw what I did, and was going to call the cops. I read the fucking sign. Apparently that's illegal now. This country is a piece of shit anymore. We're not allowed to think. We have to be carbon copy automatons, stripped of our individuality, stripped of independent thought, and sent to an indoctrination center to make corporations more powerful and more wealthy. Thinking is illegal. Speaking is illegal. Being human is illegal.1 point