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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2021 in all areas

  1. I think sometimes a game throws in a dramatic event for an affect, but doesn't really fit into the game. I think what that does is desensitize us to games that are meant to be dramatic. So in order to keep drama strong, we need a balance of happy ending games too and vice versa.
    1 point
  2. Biden is quickly finding out that this country has to move ahead and bipartisanship no longer exists. I am very concerned about the voting rights bill that needs to be passed. As republicans quickly pushed voter suppression on day 1; we should have countered within the 100 days. But that would require getting rid of the filibuster since there is no other way it will pass requiring 10 republican votes, who as we know are a party no longer supporting democracy. That is the one thing that will protect democracy for years to come and it is completely partisan as republicans have another thing in mind passing bills across the country to make voting harder and all the while claiming fraud while they recount ballots in Arizona without independent witnesses. And this is something we will see happen in every state where democrats won. Nothing really matters if voting isn't protected. But that didn’t happen the first 100 days, so maybe in the next 1200 days? Everything else is just a return to normalcy. Normal is good. Biden is doing the right thing. As far as immigration, I don’t know why it’s so hard to build an international refugee camp paid by an international effort to provide shelter, food, and medicine. Have a program to help them move into a country and have a skill program to fit into the workforce. This is a humanitarian crisis and needs to be treated as such. And there should be more women than men operating it cause dirty men will rape all the girls. White supremacists will flock to the area hoping to rape and abuse vulnerable people. Cause that is who they are. I’m glad Biden mentioned white supremacy as the greatest terrorism threat to this country. But he should have extended on it and give us assurance that he will utilize every resource possible to combat domestic terrorism and give us some kind of plan or bill on what he wants to do. Because just calling it out isn’t enough. Fear is the only vocabulary terrorists know. Take action. Make them feel extreme fear. That is the only language they understand. They love authoritarianism so let’s show authority against their operations. Crack down on extremism in the military. Any extremists needs immediate discharge and there needs a campaign to boost the confidence in reporting behavior of soldiers as well as the ranks and to be protected for doing so. Same with the police force. These are things I really want to see happen. We know there is a problem, give direct solutions and I have to criticize that I haven’t seen any strong movement there. This is the last chance for these things so Biden better jump on it, dive in, belly flop, I don’t give a fuck. Tear down the terrorists. Otherwise, you might as well recruit ISIS into the military and let them carry guns to capital buildings since terrorism is not a serious threat. (sarcasm). He has tackled the Covid problem which is good. You can’t do much about the mentally challenged people that deny the threat of the virus and work against community safety. I just hope we can throw their bodies in a pile one day and burn them directly to hell. Besides the normalcy of policy issues, my main issues I wanted to see more of was measures to fight terrorism, voting protection; police reform; and the cleaning of extremism in military and all government positions. You can’t clean those voted in, but you can clean those appointed. There has been some progress in that area, but show me bills how to prevent the politicizing of government positions. Show me bills where a president can no longer fire or appoint so many government positions. That was ridiculous what trump was legally able to do. No sitting president should be able to appoint the head of FBI and other positions like that and the attorney general needs to be unpoliticized also. The positions needs a general vote if needed. That was scary to see Barr (previous AG) fall in step with trump. There needs more checks and balances. Those are bills I wanted to see the first 100 days. I am grateful to have a president who is working for the interest of the people and country. But if nothing is fixed about the things I just mentioned, then pucker up with the wettest lips, and kiss democracy goodbye. * Protect voting * Weed out extremism is military, police, and gov. positions * Attack domestic terrorism * Tackle covid Those should be all our main concerns since it directly affects the country as a whole.
    1 point
  3. If anyone has said you're anti-transgender I have to agree with them. You're extremely narrow minded, and often close minded. Just because you have a friend who struggled with their gender identity doesn't mean that either of you know the true struggle that transgender people face. Not to be insulting but, the both of you are completely ignorant of transgender issues. You're an outsider looking in with tunnel vision. From that standpoint you can't see everything that's inside, because you have chosen to limit your vision. It's really pathetic that you're bitching about a people that you don't even know, and haven't even truly met. Whining and claiming that transgender people are pushing lesbians out so they can come in is an extremely bigoted statement. You and I will disagree on many things, but I will still respect your right to believe what you believe. The fourth tenet of TST states: IV - The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own.
    1 point
  4. I'm not a fan of dragging things out to the bitter end. Games that are only loosely connected to each other can last a long time, like GTA or Assassin's Creed, but otherwise I don't think doing more than one or two sequels is wise.
    1 point
  5. Do my best to be honest about the state of things, and honest about my opinions as well (when I'm allowed to be). I'm not woke enough to back a monarchy or rounding up people for disagreeing with the Democratic Party personally, but I can appreciate the spirit in the sense that I found this last administration kind of traumatizing on a certain level (to say nothing of just plain degrading and embarrassing) and am pretty damn gratified that it's over. However, I have enough confidence in the American people that they won't let this happen again. Trump could very well win the Republican nomination again for 2024, but he won't be president again. I also don't think pure motives necessarily have anything to do being a good president in reality, or else history might take a dimmer view of the narcissist Franklin Roosevelt's transformative impact on the nation than of say Nice Guy Jimmy Carter.
    1 point
  6. Very well said. I'm a liberal Democrat, and honestly I can't find anything in your post that isn't true. You spoke in an unbiased manner (thank you for that), and gave links to your sources instead of just spouting a bunch of "facts", as most do, without anything to back it up. There are a few truths that I don't like, such as republiKKKlans winning either or both chambers of congress in the midterms, but such is life. We live in a society that has extremists up and down both sides. The events of January 6th however, showed how bad things can get if the extremists are delusional enough. The events of 1860-1864 did the same as well, but on a larger scale. We have to fight to NOT let those things happen again. And if that means imprisoning a large part of one demographic or another, then so be it. We have to try to protect this country, before we're not a nation anymore. Things have been bad for decades. We have had those in power who have honestly tried to improve things. And we have had those in power who didn't give a shit and were literally just on a power trip. If we could just get people in power who were in it, not for the power, but for the power to affect progressive and positive change, then we could end up in a golden era. I personally tell everyone that former President Barack Obama was the greatest President our country has ever had. If I had been able, I would have repealed the 22nd amendment and we would be a monarchy under His and Her highness King and Queen Obama. But I'm just a woman at her keyboard. I saw what Biden was like as Vice President. I knew he would be a great President if he was to run at any time in the future. And in the past 100 days, I have been right. And the fact that we have our first female in the in the Presidential seat chart, and one of color at that, is a sign of progress. It's always been First Lady. Second Lady. Now we have Madam Vice President and Second Gentleman. I know I thanked you for your unbiased post, but that is something I'm typically not able to do. So look down on me for that flaw if you want to. I don't have the power to control opinions, nor do I want it.
    1 point
  7. I stand for democracy. That makes me anti republican. There is no debate about that. It's all in the bills they are trying to pass and proof of a recent failed coup attempt. If they succeeded we would be in a dictatorship right now. American politics is in a humanitarian crisis. Fuck cancel culture idiocracy. That is a term used to divide us and give oppressors reason to justify their culture war or race war. I don't want socialism. I don't want communism. I don't want fascism. I don't want marxism. I don't want capitalism. There needs to be a little balance between capitalism where corporations have too much power and socialism where there is too much government dependence. The healthcare complex needs to be broken up and people need better access and affordability. Capitalism needs a bit of reformation. BAN LOBBYING. That's a great start. Corporations have no business giving money to politicians. If it is considered illegal for a politician to sell a product, then it should be illegal to take money as that would be a conflict of interest. Here, let me give you 20 million dollars if you can pass that tax break for my company. The Fuck You bill will prevent that. There is no one right way to govern financially. We need a system where corporations can’t fatten politician’s pockets; where the rich pay fair share in taxes; where there are programs to help the poor and middle class. When I say help, I am not referring to money. I am referring to changing the built environment. Sure, that costs money, but so do the roads you drive on. That built environment segregates minorities in gerrymandering lines, and keeps people in poor neighborhoods. Liquor stores and fast food are all over the place, while rural neighborhoods have dry counties. You could call that supply and demand, but really it is a push to addiction in vulnerable communities. Police need to be more diverse across the country and better trained. Why do you think republicans are so much against a black person getting a house? Cause it is an invasion to their built environment where the black vote may actually be as strong as their own in a white suburban neighborhood. BAN GERRYMANDERING; which is the distribution of county lines that give white right wingers more representation to their vote. Sure, the left gerrymanders too, but for their higher population density, they aren't nearly represented as much as a red state rural farm country. Reform the electoral college. That is not a democracy. It is designed to give minority rule, not the majority. Our elections shouldn’t be focused on just 13 states or however many in dominantly red states. Democracy is where the majority rules. That’s why republicans are attacking voting across the board. They have no policy unless you call dictatorship a policy. I am a male and stand with feminists. I hate the toxic male environment which needs to be broken up through diversity. Maybe there should be incentives for companies, positions of authority etc. to hire females as well as minorities. Women should have the right to abortion. I don't know why there is so much controversy over that. They would rather jail a woman over abortion? If the child is born, they could either live in a broken home or live in a foster system where predators have ruined countless lives. Think about that. What causes the least amount of suffering? Abortion, or for the child to grow in who knows what kind of world? And to be pro life without giving a damn about environmental issues and animals that are threatened through industry because they are against regulations??? Another Fuck You traitors.
    1 point
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