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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/13/2021 in all areas

  1. What is the hardest lesson you ever learned gaming? Mine was when I screwed up in a game as a kid with one save file, and learned the value of earlier backup save points (as I had to start all over).
    1 point
  2. My collection has reached 75 Zippos currently, some of which I had made custom. But I thought this one would be of interest to the forum.
    1 point
  3. This is such a bizarre and ironic one - while your disassociation theory does sound plausible but this study seems to still lack a lot of substantial evidence that it actually works. As we know, a new study can also come out tomorrow disproving this new finding so I'll just wait for more evidence before I can conclude that it can actually help.
    1 point
  4. Maybe in the game they develop a sense of control which carries on in their dreams. Maybe it helps detach them from something personal as killing in video games tends to be impersonal, which would mean that impersonal violence carries on in their dreams so that instead of seeing the eyes of someone you killed or saw die, it becomes a blur and they see many blurry enemies or allies instead of that one defined one that haunts them. Or maybe it helps them see things clearly and develop battlefield awareness playing video games that helps them see what is going on in the dreams and gives them security that they can find safety. If aggressive video games help soldiers with ptsd, should a woman who was raped play a video game where there is a lot of rape in order to cope with it better in her dreams? So there is some irony there. But hell, maybe so.
    1 point
  5. They haven't helped me from the trauma I went through in the Marines. They haven't made a damn bit of difference. So I'll tell you right now that that study is severely flawed, or purely bullshit. Besides, they only publish the results they want from studies like that anyway. They don't publish the numbers of soldiers that violent games either didn't help or made their PTSD worse. Those are the numbers you're looking for.
    1 point
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