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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2021 in all areas

  1. You spoilt brat! My first computer had 52mb... AFTER it was upgraded from 8mb! It also had that original Pentium that was famous for not be able to count! Your RAM capacity was more than my hard drive!
    1 point
  2. Shagger

    The Gaming Mod Thread

    Just sharing a few shots of my latest modded Skyrim. God, I love mods...
    1 point
  3. The issue for me really isn’t a white male protagonist, it is the ‘generic boring white male protagonist.’ Or the ‘young Clint Eastwood type.’ It has really run its course and people are just tired of it. The protagonist in Metal Gear Solid or AC Valhalla simply utilizes the white male the right way. It isn’t a forced cliche type of a societal white male dominant 50’s era perfect well rounded boy that everyone loves. In MGS and AC Valhalla, they have character. Not some whitewash facade forced down our throats. It is highly repetitive and I am not alone being completely irritated by the facade of the perfect white male while other people types are always the villain, monster, side kick, or fodder. I wholeheartedly agree that its shit seeing the same thing over and over again. They have the right to do what they want and we have the right to backlash. We are tired of it. And it is not just a gander to a specific crowd why they want a ‘young Clint Eastwood type.’ In cultural psychology, it is known as another attempt to heroize one type and demonize another. And this has gone on for too long consciously and subconsciously in entertainment.
    1 point
  4. Crazycrab

    8gb ram still worth?

    NO IT DOESN'T! I already proved in my post last August with Chrome and AC Odyssey running on max settings I was using barley more than 8GB. Why do you keep trying to spread such misinformation? A non-gaming or productivity user could run Windows 10 with 8GB. They can browse the internet, use Office, basic multimedia and streaming apps or even play some older games without ever pushing it.
    1 point
  5. That's not an acronym. P.T. was actually a game. Developed by Kojima Productions (Under the direction of Hideo Kojima himself) and published by Komani, PT was a first person horror game released on the PS4 as a kind of promo or demo for an unnamed, upcoming horror game, eventfully confirmed as a new Silent Hill game called Silent Hills. However, that game was cancelled, relationships between Kojima and Komani deteriorated (as I'm sure you're aware) and the ever spiteful publisher removed PT from the PlayStation store, eventually removing a re-download option for those who had actually bought it, because FucKonami. A damn shame that was too as PT was very well received.
    1 point
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