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PC or PS5? Or both?
Crazycrab and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Many people I know are Jewish, and due to my respect for them, the "PC Master Race" is not only offensive to them, but me as well. First off, PC gamers are superior to nothing. The same way console gamers are superior to nothing. Second, the use of the term "master race" is pure Nazi ideology. Adolf Hitler coined the term to identify his Aryan race. Blonde, blue eyed, white Germans was what he wanted. He saw them as the superior race above all others including other nationalities. Third, my grandfather was in the unit that liberated Auschwitz. He earned 5 bronze stars doing it. He was superior to no one. He did what he was sent to do, and came home afterwards. He saw some sick shit, and it changed him forever. So don't ever use "master race" as a casual term. It's not casual. It never has been, nor will it ever be.2 points -
What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
killamch89 and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
If we're talking about drunken nights, then the time I woke up duct taped nude hanging from the monkey bars on a catholic school playground with a bunch of 3-5 year olds looking at me would top my list.2 points -
How would VR need to change for you to get into it?
Family sedan and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
I'm gonna agree with @m76 here, that requirement to have a Facebook account to use Oculus Rift is ridiculous and should not be necessary. I'd also suggest it should become a little cheaper as well, but I don't see that happening as the industry seems more interested in advancing the tech rather than making it more affordable.2 points -
What choices by video game developers cause them to lose the trust of players?
killamch89 and one other reacted to Shagger for a topic
@m76, @Heatman can post as much as he likes so long as what he's posting is within the rules, and unless you can present evidence to the contrary, he has been. What I don't find acceptable is for you or anyone else calling people out on the public forums for non-violations just because you don't like thier posting habits. If you feel there's an issue, report it and then let either myself or DC take it from there. Do not try and do our job for us, that IS against the rules. I appreciate that you made your request politely, but it's not up to you how anyone posts on this forum. If your concern is loosing touch of a topic because it's been bumped down, I recommend using the "follow topic" feature on the threads you're interested in. All you have to do is click on the reply box to a thread as if to type a response and the icon should appear on the bottom-left corner;2 points -
What choices by video game developers cause them to lose the trust of players?
Family sedan and one other reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I like that he's active. Stir the stew a bit to get that flavor distributed. This aint ol papa's recipe.2 points -
Interested in buying a new game.
DC reacted to AndreiMirfi for a topic
I'm looking for a game which is Racing, Adventure or Indie. Any ideas?1 point -
If you could remove ONE thing from gaming, what would it be?
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
I expect some things in this thread and they would all have a good case I'm sure. Abuse of employees in the gaming industry... ....You know what , fuck it, THAT is number 1. Nobody should say otherwise and there is nothing that is more important. This is not just about more recent controversy's surrounding Ubisoft and Activision/Blizzard, this is an industry wide problem. This needs to stop. But, for the sake of the thread, let's discuss the seconds on our lists. Microtransactions, "Deluxe" editions, copy/paste yearly franchises, everything else you immediately associate with EA, there's lots of things we can do without, but what is your personal peeve? For me, it's clear, and this guy sums it up perfectly; Fanboys1 point -
Ok guys, I decided to go with the regular switch. I found one on the marketplace for $200. The guy just had a baby and doesn't have time to play anymore, so I got a deal on it. Also, it's the "red box" version, so I got the slightly upgraded model over the original, which was nice. I bought the Pro controller and BoTW. I have to say my favorite Nintendo controller of all time was the Wavebird, that is until I used the Pro controller. This controller just rocks. Thanks for all your suggestions and feedback.1 point
Arm Wrestling
killamch89 reacted to Crazycrab for a topic
The official rules don't say anything about that. I mean he's in the square position at the start, he keeps his elbow in the pocket and although I can't exactly tell from the video I'm assuming he has at least one foot on floor at the start. He's not cheating but just found more effective technique.1 point -
What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
killamch89 reacted to Shagger for a topic
Nope, I was barf free. I honest to god believe I went in there for a piss and just... dosed off.1 point -
What’s the funniest place you’ve ever fallen asleep?
Shagger reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
😆 They left you in the bathroom with your dinner in the toilet. hahaha1 point -
Your right, you can use it however you want. What you chose to do was use it trivalise the evil that you grandfathers, great-grandfathers and millions of others fought and died to protect the rest of us against down to point of a dumb "meme". That "meme" is an insult towards console gamers and even more so to history. The men and woman in that conflict risked and sacrificed more that most of us can even comprehend. That's why I choose to never insult their legacy with this parody of nazi ideology like the idiotic fanboys that post "PC Master Race" all over the fucking place. It's not the least bit funny and never was.1 point
Meme's are funny, "PC Master Race" is a term of self declaration for PC fanboys of a superiority that only exists in thier childish, deluded minds. You can say it if you want, but anybody who uses that term looses credibility from me. PC fanboys are superior to nothing. If anything, that makes even less sense than it did before. The only way you would "have" a PS5 and/or games to sell if you had bought them in the first place, and you'll obviously have to sell them at a loss if they're used, so it's still costing more money than just buying games for the PC to begin with. The only ways that could possibly work is if your scalping or if you stole them (To be clear, I'm not saying you are, it's all hypothetical and I don't beleive you're doing either of those things.), and if you were that would warrant no sympathy at all. However, I do sympathise with the fact you live in a poorer country, that's rough buddy, but it doesn't make this idea any more plausible.1 point
First, for the sake of context I first want to give a brief explanation about how OLED differs from regular LED panels. Traditional LED panels need to be backlit otherwise they would be to dim whereas each OLED in the panel supply's all it's own light. The benefit of this OLED's don't bleed into each other as much giving sharper contrast between colours, darks and lights. The downside is of course increased burn-in since they focus more light on specific spots rather than spread it out. The effect of burn-in on OLED isn't as concerning as it was in the old Plasma or LCD technology. A plasma screen could burn after 200 hours of heavy use but an OLED screen would take an estimated 1000 to 5000 for the same effect. So burn-in on OLED is not something really worth being to concerned about in general, but with that being said... ... I have to disagree here. The size of the screen and pixel density are irrelevant to this issue. The Switch OLED's screen if anything is more vurneble to burn-in because is a gaming console and it's likely to spend more time on static images like menus. Not to mention most of Nintendo's games have a very bright and sold colour asthetic. I'm sure Nintendo will design the system and software to minimize this risk with features like auto screen brightness and turn off to compensate so it won't be a big concern.1 point
Brun in and image retention is always a justifiable concern with OLED screens, but with the Switch OLED screen being 7" and a newer model at a comparatively low resolution at 720p I wouldn't be as concerned as I would be with a large, 4K TV panel, for example. I think you'll be ok, just look after and not leave the screen on for to long with a steady, bright image.1 point
1 point
Games that were inspired by a true story
Reality vs Adventure reacted to Heatman for a topic
Assassin’s Creed III is a very good one. The Assassin’s Creed series is based on real life events that involved Pope Alexander VI, Leonardo da Vinci, the pirate Black Beard and so many.1 point -
Seriously, I got absolutely nothing to say to him, not even a damn word. It's a free world and he's free to type whatever he wants with his device.1 point
Gaming for anxiety
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
The main reason why I get into playing games is for relaxation purposes, so it definitely helps me to calm down, ease off pressure and make me feel better as well happier.1 point -
1 point
Field of view in video games
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously, it constricts the game view in such a way it's not going to be quite entertaining and enjoyable anymore which is not supposed to be so.1 point -
1 point
Interested in buying a new game.
AndreiMirfi reacted to Shagger for a topic
For racing, how about GRIP? I've had my eye on this for a while. Kind of a spiritual successor to Rollcage from back in the day and has 82% of on steam right now. For Adventure, after digging through my Steam library, I found Blades of Time. It is something of a product of it's time, but is a fun, action packed game sure to please even the most ardent fans of Devil May Cry. FYI, "indie" isn't a genre. It's a shortened terms tagged to an independently published product. So it's kina difficult yo generate a recommendation with such a vague term.1 point -
Field of view in video games
Family sedan reacted to Empire for a topic
It comes down to the fact that different games need you to be able to do different things, In racing sims you want to use your natural sense of speed and distance in order to know how far the apex of a corner is. This is only possible with an almost 'true' FOV, i.e., using the screen as a window to the game world. In an FPS all this doesn't matter. If you play CS:GO, it's not important whether that crate is 3m in front of you or 5m. But what you need to be able to do is identify targets quickly and have a big FOV so your screen covers as much space in front of you as possible. In the olden days, Quake 3 pros played with FOV settings of 120+.1 point -
What is a deal-breaker for you as far as trying or buying a game?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
I believe it's better a video game should come with both single player and Multi player mode in order to offer flexibility to the players.1 point -
Most critical item you ever missed or lost in a game?
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Hmmm. I don't normally miss important stuff or lost them because I normally horde anything that looks remotely important and store everything else somewhere in-game were I can recover it.1 point -
If it's only mobile games which are mostly free to play anyway then it's kinda pointless really, unless they get some exclusives which I doubt. The partnership with PlayStation has potential if it's true although I would expect to be effectively a tie in or rebrand of their current PS NOW service and their will be an additional fee.1 point