When you say something that's in agreement with something an animated Disney villain from the 1970's said, that's already a worry...
But even without that, what you just said is actually quite sexist even if it were true. At least in the world of Robin Hood it makes some sense because it's the middle ages and like it or not the gender roles were what they were, but for TLOU it doesn't make sense at all. Throughout history woman have been robbing people, it's not a gender specific profession.
Spoilers Ahead
I remember Henry said something about how the hunters in Pittsburgh "Didn't keep woman and kids around", and then there's the thing @Crazycrab mentioned about David's town of cannibals. Between those two area's, the Soldiers in Boston (many of them are female if I remember correctly), Robert's goons and the Fireflies at the end, that's pretty much all the human's you fight in the game. You're probably right @StaceyPowers, TLOU is a bit bit of a sausage-fest, but there is some logic to it. The second game was a lot better in this regard, though.