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I would like to ask the forum an extremely important favor
NightmareFarm and one other reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I am extremely trypophobic. What that is, is a fear of small holes in large groups. Unfortunately mine also extends to bumps as well. In my case it is also potentially lethal. I would like to ask that if you are going to post an image in a thread you create, to put a tag or something in the title that would let me, (and others like me) know that there is something that would trigger the phobia, so that we know to stay the hell out of the thread. If you want an example of what I'm talking about you can see one in this thread here. There are also tons of images on google, but I'm not going to try to link any, as doing so could possibly stop my heart in the process. I know this is asking a lot, and I don't have the right to have everyone make special accommodations just for me. But if you can at least give a warning on posts like this, it could prolong my life and at least let me die peacefully instead of literally dying of fright. So I would appreciate it more than you could ever know. I'm sorry if this sounds overly dramatic, but on my end it's an extreme situation. My girl often has to come home from work just to "talk me down" so to speak, and get me through it.2 points -
Do choices in games matter if they don’t change outcomes?
Family sedan reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
Do choices in games matter if they don’t change outcomes? To me, they still do, because the value of a choice to me is in doing what I feel is right or necessary, not the outcome I cannot control.1 point -
How long can you go without playing a game before you forget all the controls?
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's the same for me for the most part. Once I start playing them again, it's like I never stopped playing it.1 point -
Why do some people hate playing games?
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
Some people tend to criticize what they don't do or understand at all how it's done. So, it's normal when I see any person who doesn't have a good say about video games.1 point -
I feel like it's been years since I've actually offered a genuine compliment to COD, but if I'm understanding the trailer, something I've been waiting for in a WW2 FPS, especially from COD, has actually come into fruition. A WW2 game whare the focus isn't the American perspective of the liberation of France for the 9,000nth time. I'm especially happy to see the Eastern front and North Africa included. The area's of conflict in WW2 that isn't post D-Day France have been ignored for far to long. It's still COD, so I still probably won't buy it, but give Sledgehammer thier due, it's nice to see this change of setting at the very least.1 point
Why are retro games trending?
StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Those of us that grew up on them that still play them talk about them often, and fondly. Classic gamers typically have no interest in going beyond a certain point, with an exception or two. People hear us talking about these games, and their curiosity gets peaked. Some check it out to figure out what the hell we're talking about. Others check it out to laugh at us for playing 2, 4, and 8 bit games. Whereas they're playing lifelike games. It's what brought out the flashback craze. Curiosity by modern gamers. The big 3 heard about the curiosity, made a mini system with roughly 30 games installed on it, and sold them. It's a shameful money grab, but it made them big bucks anyway. Obviously the NES flashback runs better than a 35 year old NES, but those of us that are 80's children and grew up on systems like Atari, Colecovision, and NES often prefer the old ones for nostalgic reasons. And the majority of us want to puke at the mere thought of a flashback console. I'm a classic gamer because those are the games that I have always enjoyed and developers weren't afraid to be unique with their games. Games like A Boy And His Blob haven't been seen since. There is no game on any disc system where you feed a blob jellybeans to turn it into things you need (ladder, umbrella, etc.) to help it get back to its home planet called Blobonia. Blaster Master had a couple piss poor sequels that flopped miserably. There were the classic beat 'em ups like Double Dragon that you don't see anymore. They have largely (if not completely) gone the way of the dodo in exchange for games like Mortal Kombat and other fighting games. The individuality and uniqueness is what made those games so special. Nowadays everything is a sequel. There's no individuality, and developers are scared to take a chance with something new and off the wall completely different and unique. That is largely part of the reason classic gamers are turned off by the new and current stuff. I won't lie, I play on my Switch constantly. It's great to have something that powerful that is portable. But I also play on my Game Boy. When I'm home I do play RDR2 a hell of a lot. But I spend an immensely greater amount of time on my NES, SNES, and N64 than I do on RDR2. That's about the only modern game I even play. I have 2 or 3 others that aren't on Switch that I play, but that's it. They're mainly system exclusives (GoW for example) but I will never give up what I grew up on. One thing that I look back on fondly is that I saved up literally every penny I could get to buy myself a SNES. I wanted one so desperately that I saved up for over a year. And when I finally brought that thing home, I couldn't get off of it.1 point -
Is it weird to buy games before I have the relevant system?
Heatman reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
@Heatman mentioned in another thread that he thought it was strange I had purchased a game for a system I did not have yet. I do this sometimes when I see a deal. Do others find this odd?1 point -
Is it weird to buy games before I have the relevant system?
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Not at all although I can see both sides of the argument because you could change your mind and get something else but you can easily sell the game if you no longer want it. On the other hand, you don't know when that particular game might get a deal in the future - it could be years after you get the console which is rather inconvenient.1 point -
Why are retro games trending?
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Retro games bring a lot nostalgia with it especially for us older gamers. In addition to that, getting into retro gaming is significantly easier than modern games and they don't have any microtransaction systems so that also makes retro games extremely appealing.1 point -
A game is interesting and most people aren't. A game doesn't judge and most people do. For me it's aggression when someone is face to face talking to me. And it's funny because I try to turn or look away, and they think I'm not listening and move back right in front of me. And it becomes even more aggressive and I face the other way, and still they get in my face. It's weird. When I think about putting myself in their shoes, and I see them look away, I'll naturally try to change my tone or make the conversation more interesting or just say something funny. But to get back in front of someone while I'm talking and to pretty much force eye contact is just not in me to do unless I'm angry and arguing. For the most part, people are just lame. lol. No humor, no personality, nothing interesting. Blah blah blah. So don't beat yourself up over it cause if people can't get your attention, then it's them.1 point
Gaming is my least inhibited space
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Yeah - gaming gives you the ability to live out your wildest imagination and especially games that you can mod, you can let your imagination run wild and create anything.1 point -
Weird insight: It is way easier to socialize with NPCs than humans for me
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
It's the opposite for me because what the NPCs normally say and do is so predictable that I lose interest whereas interacting with people tends to be rather unpredictable by nature which entertains me more. However, I completely understand your point of view because you suffer from social anxiety and most of us have a mild form of it. The key is to just stop overthinking the interaction and just enjoy it for what it is.1 point -
Would you rather forget your partner’s birthday or your anniversary every year?
killamch89 reacted to ZandraJoi for a topic
We don’t celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, even holidays. Just another day. However, we DO acknowledge them. Let the person know they are loved & thought of. But as my husband always says, I don’t need a day to remind my family I love them. I think it means more when it's out of the blue, for no reason, than because it's a 'have to' according to society's rules.1 point -
Would you rather give up coffee or soda forever?
killamch89 reacted to ZandraJoi for a topic
We get Blue Sky. The organic one is hard to find now & is not listed on their website. But we have still found it at Health Food Stores. If you see an organic brand online, you can always ask if your local Health Food Store could order you some even if they don't necessarily carry it. We order in bulk because they also gave us a discount. While we haven't tried this brand, Rocky Mountain Soda based in Colorado, we know of others who have & liked it.1 point -
Weirdest video game dreams?
Heatman reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
Considering that I only dream once a year, and it has nothing to do with video games, I really wish I could give a story here. I'm assuming daydreaming doesn't count, so I'm out.1 point -
Do you use cheat codes?
Heatman reacted to Executor Akamia for a topic
I used to cheat all the time as a kid. Then I eventually realized I don't actually need them, and would only turn on cheat codes for silliness. I don't see "cheat codes" as such put in games very often anymore. These days, if you want to properly cheat at a game, you need external software. I frown on that. I mean, I guess in a single-player game, do whatever you like, but the moment that crosses into the multiplayer sphere, where other players may be looking for a fair fight, I lose all respect for the person doing it.1 point