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The hidden evil of games- game updates
Withywarlock reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
I own a ps3 and get the game AS IS and no longer get updates. If the system fails, I still have save files that don't require an update to work. Updates are a failure and it stokes fear in every gamer. If you don't feel it, then imagine yourself on an island with all your game data and your system crashes. You have save data right? But the game you are playing was just updated and your save will no longer work because it is a PAST UPDATED FILE. Now compare ps3 to ps4 where updates are abound. In a way it all goes back to making a finished game before selling it. In my experience, getting games that are several years old with included DLC, I've never had problems with. Should we buy new games anymore? I suggest no way at all. The only benefit getting new games is community events. In no way have I ever missed out on that crap with a few year dated game with included DLC. And you can kiss your save files goodbye due to gaming updates. Your system will force updates that your save file doesn't have yet and make the files unreadable. I never have to worry about gaming with the ps3 because there are no updates. You play what you got. Straight up. I imagine my ps4 without any updates. And I don't think I would have as many problems with save files. I play what I have. But if the game isn't up to par, you risk my saves, as well as my entire system to corruption. So I will never buy a new game ever again. I will never buy a new system. You can fuck off with your incompetence. Your games unfinished, your systems malfunctioning, it's best to play with no online activity, no updates that you can ruin gaming data.1 point -
Why do you play games?
Withywarlock reacted to m76 for a topic
This seems like a strange question at first, but is it really? What are the most important reasons you keep playing games, what is it you get out of it? Is it just a way to pass time? Does it give you an emotional high? Or do you get to experience things you can't otherwise? Does it give you a different perspective? Is it something that helps you unwind, or take your mind off of your issues? For me firstly it's about the ability to roleplay as and meet, or even befriend larger than life and extraordinary characters. This is why multiplayer gaming has little to no appeal to me, there are no characters to talk of, and there is no story to be told. Without a story there is no character development. And without character development there is no way to relate to the characters. The other reason is the emotional high you get through achieving things in games. Things like finishing a mission, or successfully defeating an enemy, or even just leveling up all give a sense of achievement. Especially when there is a strategy to it. Sometimes it's not even just about beating the game, but chasing the perfect game, like no hit runs, or beating the game on extreme difficulty.1 point -
Why is it so hard to ride a horse in first person in a video game?
Withywarlock reacted to StaceyPowers for a topic
For some reason, it seems universally true that riding a horse is easier in third person than in first in games. But I don’t understand on a practical level why this is true. Does anyone know how to explain it?1 point -
How many game have you wound up buying twice?
StaceyPowers reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
It wasn't, no. I bought them numerous times for numerous systems, mostly used, not because of any remaster. Though they did have numerous editions with different amounts of DLC, if I recall correctly.1 point -
How many game have you wound up buying twice?
StaceyPowers reacted to Heatman for a topic
If my memory serves me correctly, it should be at least 4 games that I bought twice and 3 games thrice. The last one I got twice was Doom Eternal.1 point -
My Better Half Insisted We Buy These...
Heatman reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
Chelsea Monroe-Cassel does a great job of converting the fictional ingredients into real world items, and honestly upon looking at a lot of them I've no idea how they could do a better job of substituting them. Being a medieval-stasis fantasy setting, the Elder Scrolls one is fairly easy to replicate and substitute. The problem is, as said earlier, is that being from the UK a lot of them aren't available in my country or would be hard to get without going to international shops and supermarkets. My criticism with the Fallout one is that it's basically cooking homemade alternatives to all the processed junk in that universe, which honestly I can't object to if it means people are making (sometimes) healthier foods from scratch. But you don't really need to this particular cookbook to do that, save for a few that are radiation-themed. ^^1 point -
Why is it so hard to ride a horse in first person in a video game?
Heatman reacted to Withywarlock for a topic
At a wild guess, it's probably because your depth perception has changed so suddenly and dramatically. In typical video games when you mount up, you're not controlling your player avatar so much as you're now controlling the mount itself. And horses are very different animals to us bipedal humanoids, so their locomotive mechanics and where their head is will be harder to adjust to with that sort of camera. Similar problems are in World of Warcraft where - for all intents and purposes - a mount is just a movement speed buff, and you're still in control of your avatar with a different model. You might know where your feet are unmounted, and therefore can walk up to a ledge without much fear of falling off, a mount is a lot harder to guage. because you're looking at it from the rider's perspective, not the mount's wherever their limbs might be. As far as I can tell it's all about perception. In third person you can see which way your horse's body is pointing, which legs are going in which direction, and where the weight is when jumping, rearing up, or receiving an attack. In first person, because you're focussed on what's in front of you rather than underneath you, you have to do a lot more guesswork. The camera and the horse's body not being in the same places might also disrupt things too (as in nearly every non-VR game the character's entire body turns because their neck is frozen stiff). That's a lot of words to say I don't know.1 point -
My Better Half Insisted We Buy These...
Withywarlock reacted to Heatman for a topic
I'm not sure if it's going to be copy and paste cooking manual since it's linked to a particular game. The only challenge that I foresee is difficult in getting all the cooking ingredients as some might just be fictional.1 point -
My Better Half Insisted We Buy These...
Withywarlock reacted to Shagger for a topic
There is a few of the recopies we're interested in giving a go at trying. I'll let you guys know how it turns out.1 point -
Most Beautiful Game World?
StaceyPowers reacted to Heatman for a topic
I'd be getting my own Playstation 5 sooner rather than later. At least in the next 2 to 3 months I should have it.1 point -
The hidden evil of games- game updates
Withywarlock reacted to m76 for a topic
To be clear I'm not saying that everything is fine as is. But updates are not evil, despite the best effort some bug can be missed, or QOL features need to be added, etc. As with everything technology is not evil, it's how we use it that's the problem. Knowingly shipping broken software to be fixed later in updates is evil.Or more like greedy, but same difference.1 point -
The Magnificent Trufflepigs
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
That does sound like something I'd definitely hide - can you imagine how much profit you could make off that?!1 point -
Most Beautiful Game World?
Heatman reacted to Reality vs Adventure for a topic
Welcome to the brotherhood as the creed says. Salute!!!1 point -
Gamer impostor syndrome
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
Every gamer falls into a unique category and not every gamer wants to play a lot of games whether old or new. Some people just like specific games and are attached to them because of the game's universe and how it works appeals to them.1 point -
Games that you totally loved/love but were really terrible at
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I've played Hitman Blood Money before and it wasn't that difficult. My favorite mission from the entire series was murder of the crows - I thoroughly enjoyed it because those costumes really got on my nerves.1 point -
Which Cross System Games do you have?
Heatman reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I totally forgot about the Battlefield games - I haven't played them in a while. Well, I did play Battlefield 4 yesterday so there's that.1 point -
Moments you react just like the character you are playing
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
I think that I have actually been sleeping driving after my first 6 hours straight session with Gran Turismo the very first time I had played the game.1 point -
Favorite New Vehicles From The Cayo Perico DLC - GTA Online
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
It's actually a very nice car no matter what companies makes recently. Those cars are historically beautiful.1 point -
Gaming crafts or art you have made
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously, that car was a beauty in the memory of Elvis Presley.1 point -
Have you ever discovered a new favorite band or composer by gaming?
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Yes of course, it's NWOBHM. Another one on their list is "Thanks for Nothing".1 point -
Gamer impostor syndrome
Family sedan reacted to Heatman for a topic
Seriously - there is always a very big difference between a classic car and a modern car. They are not in any way similar.1 point -
Cute animal videos and pics
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
This one actually made me cry.1 point -
Would you eat a dead snake or not eat at all for two weeks?
killamch89 reacted to The Blackangel for a topic
I learned which plants are safe to eat as a kid, which includes mushrooms and berries. We have several kinds of safe, and absolutely delicious mushrooms here. We also have some mushrooms that will kill you in an hour. The hard part about all that is that there is an edible mushroom that has a lethal doppleganger. That one I always stayed away from, because I was never certain of whether I was getting the right one or not. I just couldn't tell them apart, so instead of chancing it I just decided to stick with the ones I knew and liked. The berries were a lot easier to keep straight.1 point -
Video game ideas that were good in theory, but suffered in execution?
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
Another game that I also felt that the developers along the way took a wrong turn in its make is Death Stranding 2019. It came with a good graphics, perfect character combination but with a confusing plot. It's battles were way too easy with fighting skills of opponents and even in boss fights almost the same thing. To sum it up, the battles are generally boring and repetitive.1 point -
I don't think it's a preference that I'm consciously drawn to, or perhaps there's just more of them, I do tend to play more games that feature a “Chosen One” style protagonist. I guess it's easier to identify with protagonists like Aloy of Horizon Zero Dawn or the Dragonborn of Skyrim because there is something unique about them that makes them (or you) stand out. There's a YouTuber I like that discusses some of these in character analysis of Aloy. You see this in non gaming characters too like Superman, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Avatar Aang/Korra and even villains like Darth Vader. Making them special/chosen makes them unique and interesting. Not that "regular' characters can't be interesting either but it usually takes a deeper dive into their personality in order to make it work.1 point
The Magnificent Trufflepigs
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
Or the pigs grows back their cut out flesh, so it's no ending to the meat it can produce 😂.1 point -
What do you want from the Fallout TV series?
Crazycrab reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I don't think they would do that because they'd be accused of being lazy and Fallout fans would be in an uproar. I'd prefer something more unique...1 point -
1 point
My Better Half Insisted We Buy These...
StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 for a topic
For the Fallout cookbook to be real, there has to be some sort of radioactive dish on the menu. It's not going to feel authentic without it...Although you could just go to Chernobyl and hunt the animals there - it'd be the ultimate Fallout experience.1 point -
Favorite New Vehicles From The Cayo Perico DLC - GTA Online
killamch89 reacted to Heatman for a topic
Thanks mate. I really do love that kind of car because my old man had one and I have been in love with it ever since I was a kid.1 point -
Has anyone here never been to an arcade?
Family sedan reacted to killamch89 for a topic
I have been to Arcades before but to be honest, other than the driving games and a few fighting games, I never enjoyed it much. It annoys me when you're playing a game and somebody keeps disrupting you to tell you how to play the game to win. I much prefer to figure things out on my own than do it someone's way.1 point -
I had a horrible experience with Dragons Dogma when it first came out... twice. Just in case anyone is unaware Dragon's Dogma is a classic fantasy RPG with a rather unique party mechanic. You attain followers, knows as pawns, to aid to in combat and provide advice. Every player also has to create thier own pawn that can the be accessed and used by your other players as a follower in thier own game. You can use these pawns at a cost of in game currency (only in game currency that spend on the pawns and nothing else, this is not a microtransaction) , kind of like "renting" them from the player that created them and even rate them once your finished with them. Your friends paws are clearly labelled and put forward to you at a cheaper price, or was it even free, I can't remember. Anyway, an interesting system, but because players profile would have to load a pawns parameters from thier online profile, that profile would need to have a single source to load said parameters from. In other words, you could only have one save. That is a was issue in an open world RPG at the best of times, but when the autosave isn't well programmed, the difficulty can spike badly and with fast travel basically missing from the game, it get's worse. The first time I learned this system's shortcomings the hard way was getting myself stuck in an unwinnable situation right after the point where I could no longer run away. This wasn't a boss fight or anything, this was just much higher levelled enemies just suddenly surrounding me in open play. I must have tries for 3 hours to get out of this situation trying everything, but eventfully I had to give up and start the entire game all over again because that bad autosave was the only save. The second time was the complete opposite. I was much further into my second playthrough. I had spent around 8 hours playing after leaving the main city of the game. Went to another major location, did a number of quests, battled in the open area whilst leaving and entering buildings and locations serval times. Made so much progress, but then got killed in a fight. When I went to load again, I found the game had saved NOTHING since I left the main hub! The game was willing to save just as it was too late to run from an unwinnable ambush on playthrough one, but now would not autosave at all for basically a full day of gaming. I had no choice but to start those 8 hours all over again. You could ague that I should have manually saved, but the point of autosave to help you get immersed in the experience and not have to worry about loosing too much progress.0 points